Finally answering the cries of many, he has started work on dragons within Minecraft. This neatly expands the scope for airborne creatures, and in making the scaly beast itself, Notch made some quite significant changes to the way animals and moving entities can look in the game, changing behaviours and the number of polygons (or knobbly bits to you and me), though it's probably fairer to say that we're looking more at additional blocks of details, than finely tuned rounded edges! Having said that, it looks fantastic, and going from it's original incarnation of a horrifying blocky mass, it now boasts lovely shapely wings,

We're not quite sure where the dragons will end up, but we know they're going to be indestructible, more a terrifying feature of the landscape (that flies around!) than a combat-able creature, or even a mount. Some things suggest that it may be found in the new Ender-World, a new area similar to the Nether in construction. This video on a new Youtube account (owned by Notch) shows the world with Endermen in the murky background:
...and when brightened up we can see the dragon fly across the top of the frame!
(Thanks to Youtube user 'mastatsan' for the brightened video!)
This of course does not mean that dragons will be restricted to the one area, they may (as in the screenshots) be rare features within the ordinary Minecraft world.
What do you guys think?