Hey people!
Whilst watching Mock the Week on one half of my screen, and typing this blog post on the other, I shall try and recount the somewhat few events of today and share the photos from yesterday... though you might have picked up on that already :-)
The picture at the top of this post is of Porth Dinllaen, the small village + pub (bonus) jutting off the Llyn Peninsula, on a little peninsula of it's own!
I cleaned up Mum's computer today. Freed up several gigabytes of space on the harddrive, deleted Temporary Internet Files and binned all the unwanted desktop icons. Great success!
Later on I did some washing up for Mum which I did speedily.. she said so!
After that Mum and I spent about 20 minutes choosing which photos to delete/keep from the trip yesterday. It's a long process, especially when the pictures are all quite good, it's hard to break it down to the final flaw which makes one picture minimally inferior to another. It's easy to say "That one isn't as good", but it's important to check why it isn't as good as the other candidate.
After that I mooched around, listened to some good music, played a few games, checked Facebook repeatedly *addict* and talked to a few people on MSN.
I practiced my violin, still love that new piece MS gave to me, and managed to crack a few of the trickier quaver and semi quaver runs in there.
The other piece, a study, isn't so joyous. It's a nice tune, but extremely technical (which is why MS gave it to me!) unlike the other, which needs to be lyrical and smooth. I'm trying to get my head round the position changes from 1st, then to third and on to 4th. All fairly unfamiliar territory, so it's quite hard to practice without getting frustrated because of the need to stop and figure out what to do when.
Picture time! We'd walked around along the top of the spit of land that you see in the first picture, and through a golf course (which you see part of in the second picture) to reach the village. The golf course was scary. Balls flying everywhere.
This was taken on the edge of a cliff (Mum wasn't there to panic over me at the time!) of the houses (and pub ☺) of Porth Dinllaen. You can REALLY see how close to the beach they are in this picture. They're part of the geography of the place now to be honest.
After finishing my violin I hopped back on the computer (surprise surprise) and it crumpled beneath my weight.... only kidding! Yeah, you've checked back to find where the joke was haven't you? Sheesh. We digress...
I went back on the computer, only to find that an email had come from http://riptapparel.com/ (via Twitter) telling me that I'd won a free t-shirt!
A while back I bought a shirt that Phil Brown had done the design for, from RIPT Apparel and have checked back to their website every day since, to see what new t-shirt design they are selling that day.
This is what they say about themselves:
We showcase one brand new, uniquely designed t shirt every day for only $10. Then it rests in peace forever! If you love limited edition shirts, tees, tshirts and t-shirts as much as RIPT, stop by and pick up yours today!
So yeah, I "Re-Tweeted" some of their Tweets about the shirt available one particular day, which entered me into a random draw to win a t-shirt.
I did know about the contest, but I didn't think I'd win it!
You can see the shirt I bought previously, here: http://riptapparel.com/shirt/08/27/2009/vulture
Stunning light reflecting off someones uncollected teapot at a little cafe that we stopped at after our walk to Porth Dinllaen.
We all had Icecreams and I had a lovely Pineapple and Passionfruit smoothie... on the rocks ;-)
At 6:10 we left to pick Grampy up from his house, to take him to the David Woodford talk.
David is very passionate about protecting "fine art" against the evils of "modern art" (if I can lower myself to call it art) and so much of the focus of the talk and question time was dealing with that topic, though obviously there was some discussion on his own paintings etc.
All very interesting stuff. The whole thing lasted two hours, and Grampy was pretty tired as sitting still for that long meant his knees froze up, but he enjoyed it a lot and I expect he liked being out of the house (even if he had to keep his slippers on!) for a change, as he's been resting a lot after the operation.
Got back home this evening, very tired but still managed to talk to people on MSN and listen to more music.... and get my fix of Facebook ;-)
Ah, that reminds me! Did you hear that the internet is merging Youtube, Twitter and Facebook? It's going to be called "You Twit Face"
*Tactful pause for convulsions to cease*
I'd better be off to bed now, as I've got to be up tomorrow morning to go to the Botanic Garden to continue repotting the Orchids with my Dad, which we've been doing over the summer. It's more fun than I thought it would be at first, and I'm glad we're both doing it.
In the evening there is Youth Club. Hopefully everyone will be there.
Mum took this last picture on the very tip of the Llyn Peninsula. 30 degrees to the left, and you'd be looking at Bardsey, but we didn't want to be looking at an island when we had light like this.
"You twit face" !!! sounds so much like one of your dad's jokes :>)
I've finished convulsing now!
Yes lovely pics and great to read of all your doings, and so well executed :P I guess it obviates the need to meet up now, as there will be nothing left to say :(
But I can't give you a hug if I don't see you :-(
Glad you liked!
Awwwwww :>) xx
Loverrrly fotos!!! But really wouldn't like to be a house on that beach these days with levels rising and huricane herberts flying around. LOL.
Lovely day at Bot Gards.
Luv Da' xx
I know right?
Cool, but scary!
Yep, it was good fun, dispite us managing to ruin everything ;-)
Cya soon.
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