Hello Blog.
Yesterday (15th)
I did various things about the house, kept checking the OU site out to continue to get accustomed.
Mum, H, J and I went to visit Orel Mon to see David Woodford's art in the afternoon. We're going to hear him talk Thursday night, but we wanted to be able to draw whilst we were there, so it was a nice opportunity. I got absorbed with an artists pen, drawing people sitting on a bench looking at the art and listening to David W (he happened to be there with the local U3A) and ended up doing several miniature drawings of his, as I had some wall space that the people were sitting in front of!
Good fun.
In the evening we had Youth band. Gwyn was really nice about my trouble with my braces, and I only had to stop once during rehersal so that was encouraging. I do have some ulsery type things, and a blister though, which isn't too pleasant, but not overty painful.
On the way home we visted Grampy. Saw the scar on his right knee (he's had it replaced recently) which is pretty impressive to say the least! Really long :-)
He's doing fairly well, though I feel he'd be happier if the leg wasn't so swollen still. I think it has a right to be a bit swollen after being cut, pushed, pulled and sawn apart so much!
Today 16th
I had a Violin lesson this morning (9:00 ugh, up by 8.20 for the first time in ages), the first one in several months as I'd not continued over the summer holidays. Got some lovely new music which I sight read, and MS was pleased with me I think, I hope so anyway!
Mum played the piano really well whilst MS aided me. She sight reads well, and even managed to get a page turn in without stopping!!
After that had ended, Mum and I rushed back home to get the others ready. Alan came by about 10:30 and we all set off on a trip round the Llyn Peninsula.
Couldn't have picked better weather for it! Stunning sunshine.
We stopped off at a shop Mum spotted on the way there, a driftwoody arty place. Had a talk to a very non-politically correct man (teehee) who had radical (but sadly fairly understandable) ideas about how this nation of ours (nation? that sounds too grand!) could become great again, or even just a little bit less of a civil war zone than it is at present!
We moved on to a lovely village perched on the shoreline (actually right on the beach, for real!) on a spit of land jutting into the sea. It had about 6 or 7 houses, and one pub. We walked around the spit, and combed the beach for bones, quartz and driftwood. Got a decent conglomoration of stuff!
I took some good photos with Mum's camera which I'm quite pleased about.
We moved on to Whistling Sands.
The sand really does have a special quality to it. It's very extraordinary. Akin to a sort of crumble mix (as Mum put it) but easily separated when you pick it up! If you scuff your feet when you walk, it squeaks quite loudly!! We all amused ourselves in this manner for a few minutes, before I decided I wanted to have a photo taken of me holding my cards on a footbridge, and J (not content with being a bystander) decided to hang off bottom of thethe bridge underneath my feet, a good 4 feet off the rocky floor.
I didn't get a decent close up of myself, J fell off the underside of the bridge and bashed his face (mega lolz!) and we all had a jolly good laugh and brush off.
Then I dodged the waves breaking on the shore (incoming tide) by jumping onto a rock whenever they came close. Mum took photos, H sat serenely, and I looked like a Ninja O.O
Then we went to the end of the peninsula, overlooking Bardsey Island, and watched the sun begin to sink right over the sea, splitting into rays of light shining down onto the sea through some clouds, and finally sinking lower and lower until as we drove off, it lined the clouds with orange as it fell beneath the horizon. Amazing.
We stopped off on the way back for fish and chips. Great fish!
Back home by around 8:30, 9:00. We'd been out for over 10 hours!

I'm shattered now anyways. I've been up for 17 hours so far, and I've still got to get ready for bed. Stupid child. I wish I'd not decided to write a blog tonight!
Tomorrow 17th
We've got H going to Grampy's to do her work there. I'm helping Mum, and in the evening we're going to hear David Woodford.
Sorry for the lack of jokes! I do appologise. This has been a merely factual experience for you, which is shockingly out of character for one such as myself. (For those of you who don't know me, I'm the wag of the group of people you're kindly imagining in your brains)
Peace out ya'll.
You write very well David! Glad Grampy's doing well and that you had a good time on the Llyn.
Great pics of course!!
Nice to catch up on your news DeeDee
Wish I had been with you on the Llyn. The sand "sounded" lovely. LOL
Luv Dad. x
Thanks Aunty! Wow, what a compliment! :-)
Pics of the actual trip should come tonight if I've got enough time, or tomorrow afternoon if not :-)
Thanks Dad! Teeeheee! Good one ;-)
Cya tomorrow!
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