^ I'm totally sympathising with this dude!^ I'm tired, forgive any sprelling mistrooks that I may maek.
I have to get up early tomorrow for some band practice thing.... sheesh, the world hates me.... just coz I'm the best at snoozing away the later hours, everyone gets jealous. -.-
I had loads and loads of fun today.
First I played with Steff on the PC, no hitches, just pure OWNAGE!
Then Aunty came and took us to G and her house and we had a yummy lunch and I got a sun tan outside :D
Later on Dad came round and we went to Plas Newydd and walked around the house and also had a lurrrvely drinkage in the second handie pandie bookshop.
We were dropped off (splat) back home at about 5:04 and talked to Alan briefly, then I got down to important work and so I played with Steff AND Geth on the computer for ages and ages and ages which was loads of fun. If you see anyone running around our area with arrows sticking out of their nether regions or axes embedded in their craniums then that is our handy work.
Alan is travelling tomorrow so we aren't going to see him for..... A WEEK! *shock horror*
I'd better get to bed now (I spelt bed 'bad'... so tired) so I shall leave you with Coldplay's new song from their new album.
The song is entitled: Violet Hill
I love it, blissfully awesome bass :)
Goodnight folks, love you all with a deep and burning passion.... woops sorry, typing to the wrong person ;)
I did cry myself to sleep, such a cheery life I lead. Heyho my life also goes on despite my insistence to the contrary....
What you all beeeeeen up to?
I played a fair bit on the PC again today but Steffan was having various technical issues with the game which meant we didn't get to play with each other today. Very annoying. Hopefully it will all be sorted tomorrow morning.
Mum, H and I did another few papers today, we actually wrote the Biology multiple choice paper and then went through and Geog paper with Mum. Then we sorted out some papers that she'd marked and she explained what we'd done right and wrong etc etc.
H, J, Grampy and I watched The Bourne Identity this evening, whilst Mum has gone to have a meal with Alan and friends. LOL I nearly missed the 's' on the end of 'friends' then :D
Hahaha, I just watched a bit of Pure Pwnage (ownage) on youtube (one of the rare clips with nice innocent child friendly language in it) and it went kind of like this....
"Some times I think I should just join the army, I mean it's not that different from FPS just with better graphics.... But what happens if you get lag out there?! I'm DEAD! I even heard there's no respawn points in RL!"
FPS = First person shooter RL = Real life
Hehehe, that's how I feel about joining teh forces you know? What if my frames per second drop below 10.... what if I'm in a fire fight with some terrorists in Kabul and someone pulls my headphones out, I'm deaf!! What if a bullet smashes my screen.... I'm BLIND!!! I mean, what if the door to the kitchen closes while I'm out there and my wireless router gets rerouted via India, Germany and the Ukraine! I'd be DEAD!
No wait.... I have to think rationally... yes, as the wise Master J***ner said, "Reality.... it's not a game"
I think I need a brain scan... "Yes sir the results have come in.... they're negative, yes sir, you have no brain" !!
Anywayyyyy here's Radio one with some prank phone calls!
LOL! "Do you deliver" HAHAHAHAH
Ok ok, it made me rotflol :)
We'll I'm off, I've got a hard days work tomorrow, I know, I have to work on a Saturday, I keep complaining to Mum but she won't listen... yeah that's right, you said it, I have to sit repeatedly clicking a mouse and typing at my keyboard all morning!!
In the evening we went to Alans pad and had a bountiful meal with yummy food, specially PUDDING... yummy :) Then we watched Mary Poppins.
So, I came home all cheerful and then it all fell out of the sky so to speak.
I just got told, about 20 minutes ago, by a particular person who I'm very fond of, that...
Quote: Lol, well last time I liked you .. as in yea! But things have changed kinda thing, I mean ur an amazing person and I love you to pieces you're a good friend, just not in that way.... Unquote
^ Fantastic picture showing me looking down an in-game valley over half a kilometre long to scale! ^
Helloooo thereee!
Had a very relaxed day today, played quite a bit of PC. Did a Geography Alternative to Practical test paper. I think I heard someone say we got a B.... I'm happy with that, I thought I'd failed it!!!
I slept badly last night, I don't know why. I was tired enough! I hope I get some good slumber tonight.
This evening H, J and I watched Enigma with Grampy. Such a well made film! It easily makes it into my top 15 fave films :) Very enjoyable with a tense and exciting plot line. Fantastic acting from next to an all star cast.
Planning on doing more work tomorrow as the week is drawing to a close.
Violin and Cornet a must!
Video today: Found this yesterday, a fantastic video of this trampolining genius. At first one thinks it must be post-filming effects.... but it's real alright!
I love how it looks like it's in slow motion. I WANT A GO!!!
Picture = Steffan (on the left), AKA, Kratose and me, AKA, Tarvi (no surprises there!) posing on top of a Picish alter with the late afternoon sun burning through the dark clouds.
J went to G'ma'n'aunty's today, as well as to Dads to do some gardening. They went shopping as well... shopaholic!
Band was ok tonight, we had an extra one because there's a concert coming up at Mona Airport or Valley airbase or whatever. Pretty cool, over 600 tickets have been sold already and it's not even full. Should be fun, we're doing this years Blackpool repertoire, only, in the words of Paul.... "we'll do it better.....won't you?".... shheeeeshmaleesh, he's hard to please :D
Hilarious cat video: When cats attack!
And it's sequel: When cats attack again!
This one was posted in response to someone claiming that it was his video and that he stole it. I think this proves him a wickle fibber....People are so lame!
Well, ciao!
EDIT: I embedded the second video the same as the first. Corrected that, it is now the sequel to the first.
Just had like, kinda a really long day, with long bits, and kinda sorta like tired.... I mean for sure it's half term, but thats like so 2007 baby, you gotta stay up late and look wacked for the crew to checkya in nowadamsayin?
So, I got up and played Conan with Steff *chops someone up into little bits* and then nearly missed the whole gang charging off to church.... woopsie :D Anyway, David Finnie preachéd and it was.... well, non-discript.
The 'young people' (aka: Old lady muggers) stayed behind after the service and had a BBQ. Very nice, although we really had to work for our food! Stoke that barbie boy!!!
Anyway, we played various games which got wilder and wilder, until I found an excuse to stand up and start signing Seven Nation Army, strumming a badminton racket ably assisted by J on the Bass Tennis Racquet and H banging out the bass line on the piano. Jonah wacked various items to get the drums and the end result sounded very like this......
I mean, The White Stripes are a bro - sis band eh!
Anyway, we attended the evening service, which was, in actual fact... a complete disaster, AND, not being a blog blogging about disasters and begging for aid for half dead preachers and bored congregations, I shall not attempt to record the event!
Having said I don't write about disasters I must say, that poor SuperAl has gone and had a showdown with a bollard at the roundabout by the Shell garage, and his van came off the worst and it bust the suspension on the front wheels and fuzzled up the chasseis rather appalingly. I hope it's not written off, I wuv that blue thaaang!
I think I shall finish there, but be warned, next Sunday there is talk of doing a cover of Seven Nation Army with the kids after church..... we'll see... watch this space. In fact don't, because 'tis possible that nothing will come of it... just remember to remember not to forget.
Second vid of the day:
I like big Bibles. It has been written to the tune of the song I like big butts and it's cheesy and fun and the lyrics are pretty hilarious. I added the lyrics just underneath the video.... ENJOY!
"Oh my goodness Becky, look at her bible it is so huge! she looks like one of those preacher guys girlfriends but who understands those preacher guys anyway? they only talk to her because she looks like Mother Teresa, okay I mean look at it, it's just huge bleh, it's gross she's just so... righteous"
I like big bibles and i cannot lie! You Christian brothers can't deny when a girl walks in with a KJV and a bookmark in proverbs you get stoked got her name engraved so you know that girl is saved it looks like one of those large ones with plenty of space in the margins oh baby,i wanna read withca cause your bibles got pictures my minister tried to console me but that book you got makes me so holy ooh momma-mia you say you want koinonia well, bless me, bless me and teach me about John Wesley
i saw her praying while i was DJing she got grace..pretty face she ain't goin down to the bad place
i'm tired of heathen guy sayin they like pocket-size ask the average Christian to take a look she's gotta pack much book
so fellas (yeah), fellas (yeah) has your girlfriend got the book (ooh yeah) well read it (read it) read it (read it) read that holy book baby got book
(NIV with a ribbon bookmark) baby got book (NIV with a ribbon bookmark)
i like 'em leather and bound it's 50 pounds i just can't understand how it is some weenie want the bible on CD she wanna get you saved Amen! double-up A-men!
i ain't talkin about a paraphrase cause Paul wouldn't use those anyways like 'em real thick and red lettered you can't find nothin better southpaw's in love bibles that big are unheard of
so i'm sittin here thinkin what if i find me a girl that shows midriff you can have those bimbos i'll keep those chicks that do devo's a word to the Christian sistas i can't resisit yall i'll do God's time witcha but i gotta be straight when i say, i wanna pray till the break of day baby got it goin on like the wife in proverbs 31
we might get engaged when we finished readin this page cus it's worn, and its torn and i know this girls reborn
so ladies (yeah) ladies (yeah) do wanna save people from Hades (yeah) then red it till the paged fall out even white preachers gotta shout baby got book
(thompson chain with big red letters) baby got book
yeah baby when it comes to a good book Stephen Kings resume just can't compare 39+27= 66 books and if you're catholic..there's even more
so your girlfriend quotes bill hybels but does she got a big bible cuz that little thing she's got won't start a revival my bible study don't want none unless you got book hun
..you can read clancy or grisham but please don't lose this book
some brothers wanna play that hard role and tell you that book's too old so they toss it and burn it and i pull up quick to just learn it so your girl like paperback? well i ain't down with that cuz my girlfriends hot, her bibles rockin and shes got good doctrine to the atheist chicks who try to dis you ain't it miss priss give me a Christian, i'm insistin' and i'll great her with some holy kissin' some pervert tried to chase but he didn't make it past first base she's quick to resist temptation and she loves a new translation so ladies who were lost and found if you want the triple 6 thrown down dial 1-800-reads-a-lot and teach and those psalms baby got book
(NIV with a ribbon bookmark) baby got book (thompson chain with big red letters)
I got up and played Age of Conan with Steffan. Really amazing graphics and gameplay. Totally enthralling.
Then I found out that there was an air display in Beaumaris and Grampy was offering to take us if we wanted. So, I wanted to go, H and J decided to go with Dad and (I think) Aunty and G'ma. It was a tough choice for me ;)
Anyway, we had an AWESOME time and saw the Red Arrows and two stunt planes, plus a helicopter landing and taking off within 6 feet of us!! Fantastic.
Great weather so we saw everything really well. Unfortunately the Battle of Britain memorial flight was called off (one Lancaster a Spitfire and a Hurricane) because the wind was too strong and they couldn't risk it. :( Also the search and rescue helicopter wasn't in the show for some weird reason... we think it was the wind speed again, but they were keen on making excuses ;)
Anyways, we came home and I played some more Conan with Steff. Mum went to a Beaumaris festival concert with Alan whilst all us kids stayed at home. Nice to relax after the exams so far etc etc.
Tomorrow we're going to have a BBQ at church with the youth club and any other kids from chapel who want to come. Should be a laugh :)
I'll leave you with a taste of the world famed Red Arrows! Not our display obviously, but lots of the things in this are the same.
And we were the first people to see them in the UK in 2008, they'd just returned from training in Cyprus.
I'm very tired and going to sleep now. Exam today went well, nice friendly paper.
Poor Hannah on wednesday had a bad stroke of wommiting. She threw up before, after and IN the exam :( She obtained a Doctors note to let them know her state at the time of the exam.
MAN U WON!!! WOOOOO!! Such a good game! Manchester United vs The Chelsea flower show!..... yah pansy!
Ronaldo's goal was the shizz! A 1 - 2 - 1, sprint, volley to Ron and head that ball baby!!
Hi.... I'm David... I'm really tired, and have a headache. I must learn to stop face planting on the surface of the swimming pool... --------------------------> ^ Not me :D ^
Anyway, we did yet another test paper this morning, then played on the PC for a bit before lunch (J and I). Alan came for lunch as we decided to go swimming today because we're away from Tuesday night onwards.
Had a good swim. Alan learned to not "PANIC!" and just take the water as it came, as opposed to fighting it all the time :D..... The water is your frieeend.. Who said that?!?! O.O
I'm still practicing my diving but I have belly flopped a lot even though I can do it pretty cleanly sometimes. It's kinda annoying because I KNOW I CAN do it, but sometimes it just big hairy epic fails, my legs fly over and SPLADOOOSH.....swishswishswosh , a large non-tidal wave heads straight at the lifeguards, who are ably rescued by the assistant lifeguards, who are ably assisted by the receptionists who were clinging onto the telephone in a long human chain for dear life.... Then the wave subsided and all the water flowed back into the pool and filled my lungs with chlorine and the odd plaster that had lost it's adhesiveness. So much for crossing on dry land...
Yes.... we had fun :D
We came home and had some more food to keep our energy up, and then Alan went back home to do some work...."GOODBYE THERE"!!!
H and I did another paper while Mum took J to band, she left him there for the duration and came back to do some marking of papers and some more revis- with H and me.
Then we had some tea and now I've run out of things to say! :D
Anyways, tonights video is so hilarious that I reckon you should take a few sediments... (too much geography sorry) I mean sedatives to calm you down ;-)
It's the Puppet Pals that mimic Harry Potter etc. You need have no knowledge of HP to appreciate the video, it's not connected.
Note: If you don't like made up swear words, then don't watch this video...
Note 2: If you don't like them then why are you about to click play?
Note 3: The best bit is at the end :)
I nearly had a brain hemorrhage I was laughing so much... maybe it's just me ;)
DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT ON THE VIDEO, 6 million people on Youtube enjoyed it..... did you?....
x Joe Blogs x
P.S. There will be NO BLOG UNTIL FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!! because we're going to the exam centre on Tuesday evening. Enjoy your week! Ðx
I slept kinda badly last night, bit weird... so anyway, I didn't get a decent lie in like I'd hoped to. Never mind!
Got up at 8:17 and played games till around 11:00..... yes I know, shocking, but I've been kinda busy lately so I felt allowed to sploge out for a morning.
Then I had a nice bath because me hair was all full of chlorine and other pollutants. That made me feel loads better, can't concentrate on work when my greasy hair is itching away. While I was having moi bath Alan came at about 11:06 to collect J to go to the Vintage car rally for the afternoon.
After me barf I did a test paper for my next Biology exam, then went through it afterwards using the book to correct and add extra notes.
Then Dad came to take H and I shopping to get some new shoes! Wooo, I really like shopping when I know it's not going to take forever and that I might actually get something :D
We went to Tescos first to get Jonny's friend a b-day card and voucher.
Then we went to JJB Sports and browsed for a bit. Then we started trying some shoes on with the able assistance of what turned out to be a 17 year old boy (who looked about 20) who was very humorous and friendly, and was extremely polite and who is doing three A levels at Ysgol Tryfan (maths, physics and electronics to be presice!) and who is planning to go to Swansea to do a degree in Aero-somethingrather :) Anyway, I got a pair of Nike shoes. They're white and orange style, size 9's, and are for being 'smart' in. Really like them, dead comfy and they look good, but not too conformist ;) Mwhahaha! H got a pair of light, smallish (as in not boots) trainers which are really light. This avo she ran up a hill in them, and then realised how out of character that was for her! She puts it down to the shoes being light and comfortable.
Then Dad agreed to checking out a skater shoes/basketball boot shop in the high street in Bangor so I could have some shoes that were darker in colour and that would be good for skateboarding and BMX.
We were feeling kinda tired so we pootled into Herbs (coffee shop place) to have: Camomile tea - Dad, Hot chocolate + cream - H and I. Feeling recharged we trotted off to the shop down the road.
We all got kinda freaked out by the enthusiastic, keen eyed businessman who was very Indian and overly polite and scary the.. "Give me all your money, thank you very much Sir, yes much obliged thank you please, Allah be with you" ..kind-of-scary! Sorry, bows head in shame at the slightly religeonist remark >:D NOT!
Anyway, his skills paid of and I got an AWESOME pair of Vans skater shoes, check em out!
Love em, so comfy and well balanced, not likely to turn your foot over in those babys!
A big hairy shout out to DAD: ♥ :) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! :) ♥
We came home and H and I did another test paper which we then corrected as we had done before.
J and Alan had finished pimping all the old cars up and J had a party to go to at his Philipeno friends house. He finally came home at about 9:30 with an ASBO, utterly stoned beyond comprehension and with a glazed far away look in his eye...
"Um... how was it J?"
*Breathes out smelly breath*
"Ish whhhaaash f-ffhineee"
I'm so glad he enjoyed himself ;) Lol.
Any road up, tis time for some Youtube epicness....
Today: Fusion man - Rocket wings!
Ok, so we though Iron man was good.... check this guy, he's for real baby!
HOW CRAZY! I totally want a go! I love how the wings fold out a few seconds after he exits the plane! It's like something Sci-fi :D
Weee! That was a good blog! Hope you enjoyed!!
I have a headache which is 14.3 on the Richter scale so I really must hit the straw.
Cya'll soon!
x Ðave x
G'ma and Aunty - I'm really sorry we couldn't come and see you. We had to be back at 5:00 to do more revision and it was too late by the time we left Bangor. Next Saturday for sure, if not before. It's half term come Friday so we'll have a bit of slack then. Loves! Ðx
There was no blog yesterday because (as most of you know) I was traveling to the exam centre in Rochdale for my Geography long answer paper.
Mum predicted that volcano's would come up because they hadn't for three years... and it did! So I totally chose that question :D:D My Mum is a total legend :)
Anyways yeah, journey back was fine, no problems.... mind you, a couple of drivers cut in front of us really really closely to get off the motorway. Maniacs.
Tomorrow I'm going to have to work quite hard. We did a test paper (for our Biol exam which is next week) when we got home, and we didn't do that well, I got above 51% or something, but it's not great :( I need to touch up on my reproduction information..... how'd you expect me to know something like that eh!? Shocking.
In the afternoon Dad is taking H and I to Bangor to get some shoes etc, really really really really really looking forward to that :D
Video!! This is another really cool video, though not so arty as the previous one....
It is entitled: Irresponsible Parenting - Part 1 - Video Nasties
So cute!
I shall leave you with a quote from a conversation I was having with Mum and Grampy 2 days ago...
"The whole idea of money is immaterial.."
lol, I found it funny anyway, I don't think they noticed the irony ;)
:D Dutcccccchhhhhhh (find out more this later on in the issue :D )
I'm already freaked out about these exams, I've only done one for goodness sake!! It will be easier after the next exam, in my view it's the hardest out of the Biology and Geography. Long answers Geog... nasty :P
Anyways, today we had a little rest in the morning, started work slightly later than usual. I couldn't sleep for long though -.-
Did some revision and then did a test paper for the exam we have on Friday. In the evening I decided to go to G to-the Ma and Arn to-the T's house instead of playing computer games whilst J went to Bible club and H went shopping with Mum.
I did some violin and some geography revision while I was there. Much nicer doing it in a different location. Makes it seem more exciting :) I helped Aunty with her camera and took some photos of 'Stone cold Steve' Austin which was really, really fun!
Aunty and I exchanged dutch words, pronunciation and spelling of the same. It was really cool :P G'ma sang Handel's Messiah because it was on the TV, and even with her cold I could see she would have sung it better! Oooo, and to cap it off they gave me some tea :) Yum-diddy-yumyums!
Thanks fambily!!!
Tomorrow morning we're going swimming with Alan and perhaps will bump into Philip as he swims regularly (but not with us lot) so that will be.... interesting! He's only just got back from Spain... some people have all the rain, I mean luck! :D I bet he'll be brown and wrinkly like a peanut!
In the evening H and I are leaving for our Friday exam and J is staying with G and A which will be much more fun for him.
Video time!
Physical Graffiti - The Chase
Good pure Parkour set to nice flowing music. The video and music match up very well.
Well thats all folks, a big: Doei, ook veel plezier. From me!
*Does a vague impression of someone hysterically laughing their socks off whilst banging around a padded cell in the Insanity Ward on the 1st class block of Alcatraz prison*
Today has been hard. Hence my mixed feelings as I laugh out loud when I look at today's picture that heads this blog. So hilarious and outrageously racist...... but never mind, I'm not overtly concerned with being P.C. (plod) so I shalt not looseth any thleep on that thubject.
Anyway yes... Yesterday (that wasn't me stuttering by the way) we left for a Travelodge right outside Rochdale. We got there alright, a clean and uneventful journey scored 29points when we ran a Chav et Chavette over at a zebra crossing. Definitely the highlight ;)
Had a fairly good nights sleep, if sleeping on a mattress that might well have been made from the crushed bones of previous 'customers' and having only one pillow which was akin to the stone that the venerable Jacob used to pillow his weary head. Come to think of it, they were probably related (not the pillows you stupid boy/girl/not-quite-sure-yet)....but that's beside the point!
Left for the exam and arrived on time: so much so that the place was still locked! I love my Mum, she's never on time.......... always early, apart from when it comes to early rising. *flinches from the impending blow from said Mother*
Took the exam.
*Thinks* One down, seven to go!
Why thank you for inquiring! The exam did go Okahzay. I probably scored about 26 or 27 out of 40.....
Raced back home for my violin lesson which I really, really enjoyed. Felt good to do something more physical after thinking a fair bit.
I've just inserted an interview I got from a website that I keep tabs on. 'tis about the forthcoming Narnia movie. If you can't be bothered to read it (it's 2267 words long) then just scroll down until you see a circular picture of a wolf :D)
Exclusive: Narnia Producer Mark Johnson Source: Edward Douglas May 9, 2008
There's a little known trade secret among entertainment writers that whenever a new movie opens, you always try to interview the actors first, and if that fails, you at least try to talk to the directors. Because of this, screenwriters and producers tend to get a raw deal when they attend their movie junkets even though they often have the most interesting things to say about the project, having often been there from the very beginning.
Mark Johnson is certainly one of those producers, having made or been involved with many successful movies, including a few that might be considered classics, including Bugsy, Good Morning Vietnam and Rain Man, for which Johnson won an Oscar. He's also been involved with a lot of cool projects like Galaxy Quest and others, but his most successful endeavor to date has to be 2005's The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, which grossed nearly $750 million worldwide.
The upcoming Prince Caspian reunites director Andrew Adamson and most of the first film's young cast while introducing newcomer Ben Barnes as the title character, a young prince destined to one day rule over Narnia. Because ComingSoon.net never talked to Johnson for the first movie, the release of the sequel seemed like a good time to talk to the man who had been so heavily involved with bringing C.S. Lewis' books to life, and after a brief chat at the New York Comic-Con a few weeks back, we were able to sit down with Johnson in a quieter environment to talk about what went into making this enormous and epic film, as well as the future of the franchise.
ComingSoon.net: Congratulations on getting the movie finished on time with two days to spare. Mark Johnson: It is amazing. You have all this amount of time, so we had almost a year of post and yet, it's not enough.
CS: I want to go back to December '05. I know that Walden and Disney always planned on making all of C.S. Lewis' books into movies, but had you already started planning "Prince Caspian" when the first movie came out? Johnson: No, the fun thing is no one knew the first one was going to be a hit. It's like right now, I just heard the numbers for "Iron Man" last night and they're scrambling right now... "Where's that script for the second one? How come you don't have that thing ready?"
CS: Did the same thing happen with this, where that Saturday morning after it opened you realized it was doing so well that you had to start thinking about doing another one? Johnson: Part of it was that we were so exhausted, and you know what? We opened to $65 million, which is obviously a huge number and given that it was early in December. We didn't know that we were going to do that strongly. Then everybody said we were going to get creamed by "King Kong" which ultimately we didn't. It wasn't really until January that both studios said, "Okay, we better get the second one going." I got a call well into January, late at night from Andrew, and he didn't announce himself. He just said, "Do you really want to do another one?" We were just so exhausted and it was so hard, and as much as we loved it, it was like, "Really? We're going to do this again?" In his particular case, I don't think he wanted anyone else to direct his kids.
CS: What kind of conversations did you two have about how to proceed? Obviously, the second book is very different and it's not really a sequel as much as adapting another book. Johnson: That's right, and you know that's what's unique about this franchise, about these Chronicles, is that they are so different one from the other, so unlike say for instance "Harry Potter" where it takes place at the same school and pretty much the same characters, their wardrobe is pretty much the same. In this case, "Narnia" is completely different, as you can see. We couldn't shoot this one in New Zealand because it was so forest-based. We needed dense forests. New Zealand is the most spectacular country in the world but it didn't have the locations that we needed for it.
We thought at first that maybe "Prince Caspian" was going to be... not that it was unfilmable, but we just didn't know how to do it. On the one hand, in a perfect world, I'm not sure that would have been the next book but then on the other hand, if we didn't do "Caspian" next, we would never be able to do it with our kids. It was the logical one to do next with them, and I think that Andrew and Chris and Steve licked the problems inherent in the book. Part of them were just structural, just because a third of "Prince Caspian" takes place in flashback after the kids get to Narnia, and then we find all about Caspian. We even thought for a while whether we would combine maybe "Dawn Treader" and "Caspian" and make it work.
CS: That would probably have been harder because they're also two very different books, but I guess shooting in the Czech Republic made things tougher, since Weta is based in New Zealand and you probably had to have a lot of communication with them throughout the process. Johnson: We were dealing with FX houses. We were in Central Europe and trying to figure out when we could have calls with FX people in L.A. and New Zealand and Central Europe at the same time. There was one of those magic moments, I can't remember when it was, 7 at night or something where everybody was alert and awake.
CS: Were you in the Czech Republic for most of the shoot or did you stay in L.A? Johnson: No, I was mostly on set and location. Maybe I missed 20 days out of 120 or something like that. We started in New Zealand, shot there for five weeks then moved to Central Europe.
CS: You really lucked out when casting the four Pevensie kids, so can you talk about how you cast Ben Barnes? Johnson: What happened was that we saw lots of kids and as you saw now that you've seen the movie, Andrew's idea of the Telmarines—which is not in the book—yes, they are from a pirate race, but he thought, "Okay, they're pirates. Let's make them Mediterranean." As it turns out, the bulk of pirates were in fact British, but we said, "Are they Italian, Spanish, French? We'll just sort of make them from that group." Also, make them with darker hair so they don't look like, as Andrew describes them, pasty British kids. Of course, Andrew's very fair also, but he said, "Let's make them more exotic." We looked at actors with that in mind but as you see, we have Italian and Mexican and Spanish actors playing the Telmarines, but he said, "How do we do an accent? If that's the case, let's find a Spanish boy, a French boy." Literally at one point in Prague, way before we met Ben, we brought in a Spanish kid, a kid from Argentina, a kid from Mexico to test, they were sort of finalists. They were all wonderful actors but all of them struggled a bit with the dialogue and we worked with them to see how do they feel comfortable doing this so they're at ease doing the accent and yet still being able to act. We looked everywhere for kids for whom English was not their first language, but at the same time, we were always looking at British actors, who could do a little bit of an accent. We found Ben at the last minute.
CS: Having met Ben I knew he was British, but I think it'll throw people off who meet him after seeing him playing Caspian with the accent. This movie is darker and more violent than the first movie, so was it a struggle getting it to a PG rating? Johnson: It's a fine line. We always wanted to make a PG movie, and it's strange because I look at "The Lion, The Witch" the other day, and I'm not sure if this is any more violent. The difference is that it's violence against humans, as opposed to the creatures from the last film. We wanted to make it clear that people were being hit or stabbed without showing the results of that. It's hard, there's a lot of action in this one. We showed it to the (MPAA) board and they had some good suggestions that we felt all worked out creatively, but the movie you saw is pretty much the movie that we showed them.
CS: I thought it was interesting that you've made this movie a period piece. In the first movie, I don't think we really see too much that it takes place during World War II. Was that it ever talked about to make them modern kids rather than setting it during the '40s? Johnson: No, we definitely wanted to keep the war alive, both of them, and in the first one, it's more important, because you want to believe that their father has gone off to war, which has a real impact on Edmond. You also want very much to feel as though you have these four kids who are somewhat powerless. All of a sudden, they're in a war-torn world in which they're being shuttled off to the countryside and in effect hiding and then all of a sudden, they find themselves in a new world where everyone's looking to them to save the day.
CS: We spoke a little about "Dawn Treader" at Comic-Con, and that one you're actually working ahead on before this movie comes out. Were you involved with getting Michael Apted involved in the movie? Johnson: Yes.
CS: He's done a lot of interesting movies including his "Seven Up" series with kids, but he's not the first person you'd think about to do a big fantasy epic. What went into the decision to get him to direct "Dawn Treader"? Johnson: Well, you know, I'd also argue that Alfonso Cuaron maybe wasn't the obvious person to do the third "Harry Potter" given that he had just done "Y tu mamá también."
CS: But he had done some fantasy stuff beforehand with "The Little Princess." Johnson: Which I did with him, and I remember they called me at one point and wanted a recommendation, and I said, "Are you crazy? If you can get this guy, jump at it!" No, I think with Michael, his work with actors is so strong, that I think that really allows... if it's not going to be Andrew Adamson, then you don't want an Andrew Adamson Lite, you want to just approach it from a completely different angle, which I think Michael is going to do. We're taking Michael's strengths with actors and storytelling and then we're going to surround him with great people to help him to figure out how these visual FX all work.
CS: So we know that Ben and Skandar and Georgie will be returning but will you bring back Weta and use the same writers on the next few movies? Johnson: We actually have a different writer right now on "Dawn Treader," it's a complicated process but it's like the books. You want to have the connection to the prior movies but at the same time, it's a whole new world.
CS: When do you start thinking about "The Silver Chair"? Do you have to wait until the next one's finished again? Johnson: Yeah, we don't have a director for that, but we will soon enough. We've already been talking to some people. Let's see how this movie does.
CS: Also, in "The Silver Chair," Ben's going to be 50 years older. Johnson: That's exactly right. I think when you see Caspian, he's at the dock and getting on the boat and he's an old man.
CS: I know that both Walden Media and Disney are really big on the 3-D experience, so do you think you'll ever take "Narnia" into the 3-D realm? Have you had any talks about shooting future movies or scenes in 3-D? Johnson: We did. We even talked about this for a while. Could we make this 3-D? I would guess that if we keep making these, we're bound to make one or two in 3-D. You're right. It so lends itself to it.
CS: When you started this movie, I'm not sure 3-D had exploded like it has in the last few months. I'm surprised to see you producing a lot more independent films this year as well, like "Ballast" and ("Narnia" executive producer) Perry Moore's movie "Lake City." Johnson: Yeah, yeah, we're really pleased that this year we had two movies I was involved in at Sundance, and then "Ballast" won Best Director.
CS: How do you balance doing bigger budget movies like "Prince Caspian" with smaller independent movies? Johnson: Well, as a producer, I see myself as a moviegoer. I like to see everything. If you give me a big Hollywood fantasy, I'm there with my popcorn but my favorite movie of last year was "4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days" and any time I can help somebody with a smaller movie, I jump at it.
There we are :) I knew you'd skip it ;-)
Righty ho, 'tis time for a video!
News reporters and their mistakes. To be fair, they get it right so often, but here's to the times when they don't get it right! Nice to see the BBC in it as well :)
"The president is homeless...."
Right on ;)
I'll leave you with a nice little extract from Shrek 3.
"High school! It brings back memories of wedgies!"
"How did you get the wedgies when you clearly don't wear the underpants?"
".....Lets just say some things are better left unsaid"
I was too tired to write yesterday after the chapel thing. It was ok, but it lasted over 2 and a quarter hours. It wasn't on S4C, for some reason we were mis-informed OR they changed it, to BBC Radio Cymru. I think thats more of an upgrade myself lol. We played well and people enjoyed it so that was good.
Yesterday morning we went to Alans fellowship. Had a good service and afterwards we were invited back to lunch by a couple who worship there. Yummy lunch, although we had to beat a retreat into the house because the rain came along with thunder and lighting O.O
I have my exam tomorrow, we're leaving for Rochdale tonight because the exam is in the morning, then we're rushing back to get home before my violin lesson >.< Life is so insane! Anyway I won't be able to write my blog tonight as we're not here. The next two weeks will be very intermittent with blogging, half term will be ok, and then the next week will be crazy again. I'm really tired, so if I don't sleep well tonight I'm going to suck in the exam :P.
H and I would appreciate prayer for the exam, even though it's a short one, it's the first, and that has got to be hard mentally, just getting used to the format.
In the morning we went to lunch wiv Dad 'nArnty at Plas Newydd and had a look round the garden and had a peek at the books in the second hand bookshop :D Thanks Daddy and Aunty!
Sadly Grandma was too ill, or recovering, to come. Hope she gets better soon!
Straight after that we left for the Mc wotsits house. I took my BMX and J took his scooter. Had an awesome time in the skatepark, got some massive air on some of the jumps. So yeah, bike had it's first workout and now needs to go for it's checkup and repair session even more! Lol. No Injuries, because we're too hard ;-)
Going to Al's church tomorrow morning and apparently having lunch at one of the fellowship members house.... that was a weird sentence!!
In the evening H and I are going to play with the Beau- Youth band at the Chapel in Llandeg. Should be cool, S4C are filming it O.o Probably means I'll get shouted at yn cymrug, and won't have a clue what the wotsit is going on ;)
Video: Otter playing with pebbles. You may have to watch twice to see what he's actually doing with the pebble :)
Cute! And a very proud person who was filming I'll bet!
^ LOL at the picture!!! :) :D ^ Had a good day today. Got some good work done regarding exam papers and revision.
Dad came to help us with our Biology, and answer questions which was relaly useful. Thanks!
Went to Youth Club and got Jonny's ball stuck on the roof of the church. Long story, we got it down from there anyway. People were so scared that I'd die and we'd sue the church or some stupid ideas. The worlds gone mad. I hate it when people think that we'd sue them just because I hurt myself. Retards!
^Stare at the black dot and move your head nearer and further from the screen... cool huh?!?! Optical illusions for the win!
Day went well, Jackie and John were happy to see us. Had a great meal (thanks Mum!!) and a nice sunny day.
Tearfund Prayer meeting went well. We discussed and learnt more about the current situation in Burma. Tearfund are able to help because they have partners already inside the area. 150,000 has already been alotted to the work of the partners.
Video: Britains got talent. Michael Jackson dance moves. TOTALLY COOL. Really entertaining! Scuse the language ;)
Today I got up at 7:01..... not. I woke up then but sadly couldn't get up, I was desperate to do some work before I had to go and see the orthodontist to have a check up on my brace.
Take two: I got up at 8:04 and made my br..... ok I didn't, I fell straight back to sleep again and in the end got woken up by my lovely Mum at 8:36 or something stupid!
Didn't have any food. Yanked/pulled/hauled (OMG I just sneezed and gobbed a huge ball of snot at the bottom left hand corner of my computer screen! *Ball of said snot starts slithering down the screen towards the frame, PANIC, don't panic, get a tissue, NO TISSUES LEFT!! PANIC!!!, must stay calm...must stay calm, reaches down and grabs a grossly stiff tissue out of the bin, frantically wipes screen until all trace of the horrific slime-blob has disappeared* Saved :P!)
Where was I? Oh yes, Yanked/pulled/hauled all the articles of clothing onto myself that are needed to maintain a slight level of decency, and then charged downstairs, grabbed my hairbrush with the fluidity and grace of a ballet dancer, did a double backflip over the arm of the sofa and landed in my shoes. Jumped in the car and brushed my hair whilst correcting which feet had which shoe on. And in this fashion we (Mum was driving, don't brush hair and drive) skidded off for Bangor on time; Kinda :D
Got there in time and had my appointed, appointment. The Orthashizzleontist bent a few of the wires on my brace with a pair of huge pliers that looked like they had just been pinched (haw haw haw) from the toolbox of Thunderbird 3. He shuvved it back in and asked me if it felt ok, I said it felt pretty good for a large lump of plastic and metal, and I think that satisfied him. He asked about my scheduled tooth-extractions and I told him it could be about 5 more weeks according to my Dentist. He was alright with that, but even so I gave him the opportunity to extract them with the big momma pliers. He wasn't going to comply.... pity. I have another appointment with him at the end of August, by that time all four teeth should have been outed in one way or another.
*Hums along to I love Rock 'n' Roll - Joan Jett*
Righty.... the day continued, I ate some brekkie and did some work. About 30 minutes after my food had left my bowl and entered my digestive system a gorgeous little cat came and sunned itself on our patio. Unbeknown to me, he was one of Jonny's little cat followers. He didn't pay much attention to me, but I got some fantastic photographs and I'm a little too proud of them!
^ This is him eyeing me suspiciously when he first noticed me
^ This is the one I'm going bananas over, it's such a clean photo it's almost like someone has made it in a computer graphics program!
He/she's very petite eh?
Then Alan came for lunch and then we bombed off to give him another swimming lesson. 21 degrees on the way to Llangefni! Insane. Fortunately the pool hadn't dried up, so we actually got to do some swimming!
Alan progressed a little, but mainly just became more familiar with what we'd done the week before. He gave a sterling effort (can you say that?) at learning how to get on his feet from floating on his back. I've never really thought about how hard it is, when you learn something it tends to become "I've always been able to do it", not intentionally, you just do the movements and it's second nature. I reckon it was as hard for him to learn, as it was for us to explain. Pretty darn hard!
The god of war rode out one day, upon his favourite filly, "I'M THOR", he cried, his horse replied, "You forgot your thaddle thilly!"
Small Hairy Super Dwarf told J and I that little ditty whilst we were doing our ablutions after swimming. Cracked me up on the spot ;)
We came back home and ate a few snacks to regain our strength, everyone else drank loadsah tea.... I just stuck to a good old pint of lager. *hic*
Not long afterwards everyone else left for shopping, Bible club and Alan went to Colwen bay for some meeting or other.
I was left all on my ownsome, with lots of work to do.
All my work got done by the time everyone returned, but I want to show you a photo from our Geography Field Trip which I referred to briefly in a previous blog entry.
^ I took it, and I'm pleased with it :). H is sitting on the rock centre screen. Was another beautiful day.
The others came back much later than usual, they had told me previously so I wasn't worried. They had been invited to the house of one of the boys in Bible club. They're Indians and Mum felt she had turned them down too many times. When they arrived they found that the wife/mother had prepared a huge meal for them from absolute scratch! Not only that, she gave Mum enough food to feed two people, so she could take it home for me! I was well chuffed, especially as I hadn't eaten for ages although I was supposed to ;)
Here it all is!!
The white saucy thing is a type of fish that is really hard to come by in UK shops, even oriental ones apparently. Twas called King Fish. Really huge pieces of fish, kinda tender, fish texture crossed with chicken. Really Delicious! Oh I nearly forgot to mention how rubbish British food is. Japaties should be STAPLE... FOOL!
Tonights video: Procrastination.
J, Al and I saw this in the cinema before Iron Man. Such a cool little clip, and funny with it :D
"....get my stuff done..." I sure got all my stuff done today! YAY!!!
PHEW! I think that's all, I hope you've enjoyed tonights extra epic length blog, I have! I really, really wanted to make up for the other couple of days where I've posted practically nothing. I've done my best anyway!
No blog again tonight :( I'm really sorry, I've had a long question paper to do today. I went to Daddy's because Mum was picking Grampy up from the airport and she wasn't sure if he'd be on time. We went from Dad's to band with Anwen. She gave us a lift.
Really enjoyed being with Dad for a while, I want to do more academic work there. Twas lovely and sunny, slightly hot though!
Today was so tiring... it was full of crazy stuff but I simply am TOO TIRED to write a long blog.
First: Ironman has made a huge taking in it's first weekend. Totally smashed all the other recent films out of the sky. Article is here... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080504/ap_en_mo/box_office
Went to church and listened to a sermon.... it felt like three.
Then we had our Youth afternoon thing which was really cool. A boy called Iwan brought some of these pogo-stilt things which I will show you in a video. Loads of us had goes and I found I could actually do it! I was quite chuffed.
We had some really great food and played lots of games, including sardines and some roleplay type stuff which was really awesome. Love acting :)
Evening church and then came home.
Went to see Authur (Grampy's cat, who is actually a female!) as G'py is away. Anyway the poor lonely little runt came up as soon as we opened the door meowing and stuff, and she had a good scrunge from me for about 15 minutes! Never seen her so affectionate. She's an ex-farm cat and is very tempremental. Scratches without much warning! Didn't want us to go :P Bless!
Totally crazy, these guys have to replace their "Pro-jumpers or Powerisers" every 6 months coz they do such crazy stuff! The guy in this video said that chavs are always critical and laugh, and then he does a flip and they're like "f*** that mate, you're quality!" lol. So easy to win over they are!
Here's the video that got people interested in the first place.
Aunty should refer to her blog from whence I got the inspirational inspiration for todays headline picture.
Cats should replace made up women on the front on all these papers really, much more loveable and furry =D Anyway yes....
Oh of course! Today, all my troubles seemed so far away.... I felt it was no use to say, that I believe in hay... oh, yes, I had to blow my nose... snot wouldn't stayyy! (To be sung to the tune Yesterday).
Did I get lost somewhere writing this? Oh yeah!! Today, was the day before tomorrow and the day after yesterday which was the day before, the day before, tomorrow. Which brings me to the third point of my monologue *Old lady gets out another mint and teenagers in the back row shuffle around to get their bum cheeks more comfy*...
TODAY: Went very well.
Another beautiful morning (sheesh not more songs!), played some PC and went out with Dad to have lunch wiv said Pater and narnty. Grandma was ill the night before and so couldn't come :( Anyways we had a good time and some nice fool.....(LOL Fraudian slip)...*food* and Dad managed to get some stuff he needed for Treborth, e.g. lots and lots and lots and lots of terra-firma flower pots which was good.
On the way out from the garden centre I saw Richard, who ever so kindly didn't speak to me. Him being the one who so very ably snatched Hannah (not my sister) from my arms and then threw her out with the trash a week or two later. Swine! Twas all I could do to refrain from causing a lot of damage to one of Dad's new flower pots. He was working there, they manage to get all kinds of ruffians in this centre I tell you!
Went to G+A's house for a bit and saw Austin and had a laze around and a chat. Sang the theme from the Titanic.... love that song! Grandma was feeling muchly better so thats vewwy good ^^
Bailed out from their house and went back home, only to dash off to see Iron Man with Alan. Great film, really enjoyable 'ride', not too demanding but cool all the same :D
Tomorrow I'll be out all day so I'd better go to bed. Wacked as it is and I've only got through 3 beers O.o
Another cat one that I found yesterday. I can't afford to spend 10 minutes looking for decent ones to share with you :( Sorry!
Cartoon cat. There are a few of these videos but this one's pretty cool :D
Went for a walk at Cwm Idwal so we could see the effects of glaciation on the Corries and inspect the terminal moraine....don't ask :D We were blessed with a beautiful day, perfect in fact, and we all caught the sun... apart from Hannah who dropped it.
Went to Youth Club and played touch rugby... I got muddy, I like mud, it's squishy and sticks to things!
Tomowwo I iz goin' 2 c moi fambily wot I luv lodes. I iz having cheezburgerz wit em ans perchasing farticles of garden bitsnbobs. Shud b uber funnage.
Then 'ma going to see the Iron Man filum coz it looks groooovy! Thanks Alan for lifting us! I hate traveling alone (-.-)
On Sunday Ruth (student) has organised a thing for peeps older than 11 years old which will take place between the morning and evening service. It's new, exciting and outragously rebelistic! :D So I'm going.... naturally!
I just sang the song from Titanic in my special voice, H and I will probably sing/play it for Gma nAunty and Diddums tomorrow. Bring hankies ;)
Today was different from usual.... it was most interesting.... apart from the fact that it is Thursday, it has been weird, unique.. standoutish. It has been a day like no other day has ever been before... which in itself makes it the same as every other day :P
Phillysophical moment 0v3r!
Alan came to take Jonny away from us (yay!) at 12:30, to take him to the Slate wotsit in Llanberisisisis. We had lots of boring work to do with correcting our exam prep work and Jonny would have been at a loose end, so Alan kindly took him away so that Mum didn't have to prepare work and just leave him to it.
We got our work done and Jonny and Al returnéd with amazing news.
NO JOKE! So cool! They were all dressed up like the Electric mountain people, in their van and everything so that people wouldn't come flocking.
They saw a farmer looking through his Binos and they asked cheekily, "What are you looking at?", thinking he might be a birdwatcher, and he explained! He knew because he was renting his land out to them or somthing, so he was 'in the know', but apparently it's all very hush hush so not many people know..... well, they didn't before!!
Really cool.
We went swimming in the afternoon this time, and got back at 8ish.
Alan has progressed REALLY well. He can now manage a pretty good backstroke, and is looking really confident with plunging around... or at least being submerged. Can't wait till he can chase us all around :D!
Just found out that we're going to see Diddums, Aunticlimax and Grandma the 1st on Saturday. We're going to have a meal with them all which I'm wewwy cited about :) I love dem guys!