Hoi! Hoe gaat het?
Hello! How are you?
:D Dutcccccchhhhhhh (find out more this later on in the issue :D )
I'm already freaked out about these exams, I've only done one for goodness sake!! It will be easier after the next exam, in my view it's the hardest out of the Biology and Geography. Long answers Geog... nasty :P
Anyways, today we had a little rest in the morning, started work slightly later than usual. I couldn't sleep for long though -.-
Did some revision and then did a test paper for the exam we have on Friday. In the evening I decided to go to G to-the Ma and Arn to-the T's house instead of playing computer games whilst J went to Bible club and H went shopping with Mum.
I did some violin and some geography revision while I was there. Much nicer doing it in a different location. Makes it seem more exciting :)
I helped Aunty with her camera and took some photos of 'Stone cold Steve' Austin which was really, really fun!
Aunty and I exchanged dutch words, pronunciation and spelling of the same. It was really cool :P
G'ma sang Handel's Messiah because it was on the TV, and even with her cold I could see she would have sung it better!
Oooo, and to cap it off they gave me some tea :) Yum-diddy-yumyums!
Thanks fambily!!!
Tomorrow morning we're going swimming with Alan and perhaps will bump into Philip as he swims regularly (but not with us lot) so that will be.... interesting! He's only just got back from Spain... some people have all the rain, I mean luck! :D I bet he'll be brown and wrinkly like a peanut!
In the evening H and I are leaving for our Friday exam and J is staying with G and A which will be much more fun for him.
Video time!
Physical Graffiti - The Chase
Good pure Parkour set to nice flowing music. The video and music match up very well.
Well thats all folks, a big: Doei, ook veel plezier. From me!
= Goodbye also/and have fun!
Night ;)
Jullie spreken Nederlands zeer goed en er zullen jullie mee uw geografie examen helpen. rotflol
Hebben een prettige dag en behouden glimlachend
(Goodness knows what I said lol)
*walks around for ages asking people where goodness is.... because apparently her knows!*
Strictly speaking you said:
You speak Dutch very well and you your geography examination will help. rotflol
And have preserved a pleasant day smiling
Not bad ;)
rotflol Spot on - I think!!
(rushes off to search out goodness - and mercy)
I'm sorry, this blog is all Dutch to me. Can't make any sense of it. Please, in future, could you parlez in a langue we can all comprendez. Comprendez!?
Great video. I must make sure I watch your fine choices regularly in future - it's just that my computer can be a tinsi-winsi bit slow. For example, it's taken me 12 days to write this blogresponse.
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