^ Fantastic picture showing me looking down an in-game valley over half a kilometre long to scale! ^
Helloooo thereee!
Had a very relaxed day today, played quite a bit of PC. Did a Geography Alternative to Practical test paper. I think I heard someone say we got a B.... I'm happy with that, I thought I'd failed it!!!
I slept badly last night, I don't know why. I was tired enough! I hope I get some good slumber tonight.
This evening H, J and I watched Enigma with Grampy. Such a well made film! It easily makes it into my top 15 fave films :) Very enjoyable with a tense and exciting plot line. Fantastic acting from next to an all star cast.
Planning on doing more work tomorrow as the week is drawing to a close.
Violin and Cornet a must!
Video today: Found this yesterday, a fantastic video of this trampolining genius. At first one thinks it must be post-filming effects.... but it's real alright!
I love how it looks like it's in slow motion. I WANT A GO!!!
Love you all!
Wow! That video is amazing.
(from a secret 'Canis Lupus' fan)
Hellooooooooooo derrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Voolfman. I am sorry that I have been somewhat remiss in commenting on your most excellent bloggy thingummy wotsit. I do have a reason/excuse/wotever - you see, I try to take life one day at a time, but recently, several have ganged up on me, at once. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!
Enjoyed the vid. How do people learn to do that stuff? How do they get the nerve to do it? Suggestions, on a postcard pleae, to Voolfy, Home, Someplace, North Wales, Earth.
You must tell me about "Enigma" sometime. Top 15, ehhh? Must be pretty impressive. What are the others?
Must go now. I can see a few more days lining up. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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