Picture = Steffan (on the left), AKA, Kratose and me, AKA, Tarvi (no surprises there!) posing on top of a Picish alter with the late afternoon sun burning through the dark clouds.
J went to G'ma'n'aunty's today, as well as to Dads to do some gardening. They went shopping as well... shopaholic!
Band was ok tonight, we had an extra one because there's a concert coming up at Mona Airport or Valley airbase or whatever.
Pretty cool, over 600 tickets have been sold already and it's not even full. Should be fun, we're doing this years Blackpool repertoire, only, in the words of Paul.... "we'll do it better.....won't you?".... shheeeeshmaleesh, he's hard to please :D
Hilarious cat video: When cats attack!
And it's sequel: When cats attack again!
This one was posted in response to someone claiming that it was his video and that he stole it. I think this proves him a wickle fibber....People are so lame!
Well, ciao!
EDIT: I embedded the second video the same as the first. Corrected that, it is now the sequel to the first.
Made Austin watch the video hoping he would learn something about gentility. Nah! Says he prefers his way. Nasty rough boy :(
Avvanoiceday XXXX
Lol! I uploaded the wrong video second time... woops, I'll edit that now
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