Wassup foo's!!
I slept kinda badly last night, bit weird... so anyway, I didn't get a decent lie in like I'd hoped to.
Never mind!
Got up at 8:17 and played games till around 11:00..... yes I know, shocking, but I've been kinda busy lately so I felt allowed to sploge out for a morning.
Then I had a nice bath because me hair was all full of chlorine and other pollutants. That made me feel loads better, can't concentrate on work when my greasy hair is itching away. While I was having moi bath Alan came at about 11:06 to collect J to go to the Vintage car rally for the afternoon.
After me barf I did a test paper for my next Biology exam, then went through it afterwards using the book to correct and add extra notes.
Then Dad came to take H and I shopping to get some new shoes! Wooo, I really like shopping when I know it's not going to take forever and that I might actually get something :D
We went to Tescos first to get Jonny's friend a b-day card and voucher.
Then we went to JJB Sports and browsed for a bit. Then we started trying some shoes on with the able assistance of what turned out to be a 17 year old boy (who looked about 20) who was very humorous and friendly, and was
extremely polite and who is doing three A levels at Ysgol Tryfan (maths, physics and electronics to be presice!) and who is planning to go to Swansea to do a degree in Aero-somethingrather :)
Anyway, I got a pair of Nike shoes. They're white and orange style, size 9's, and are for being 'smart' in. Really like them, dead comfy and they look good, but not too conformist ;) Mwhahaha!
H got a pair of light, smallish (as in not boots) trainers which are really light. This avo she ran up a hill in them, and then realised how out of character that was for her! She puts it down to the shoes being light and comfortable.
Then Dad agreed to checking out a skater shoes/basketball boot shop in the high street in Bangor so I could have some shoes that were darker in colour and that would be good for skateboarding and BMX.
We were feeling kinda tired so we pootled into Herbs (coffee shop place) to have: Camomile tea - Dad, Hot chocolate + cream - H and I.
Feeling recharged we trotted off to the shop down the road.
We all got kinda freaked out by the enthusiastic, keen eyed businessman who was very Indian and overly polite and scary the.. "Give me all your money, thank you very much Sir, yes much obliged thank you please, Allah be with you" ..kind-of-scary!
Sorry, bows head in shame at the slightly religeonist remark >:D NOT!
Anyway, his skills paid of and I got an AWESOME pair of Vans skater shoes, check em out!

Love em, so comfy and well balanced, not likely to turn your foot over in those babys!
A big hairy shout out to DAD: ♥ :) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! :) ♥
We came home and H and I did another test paper which we then corrected as we had done before.
J and Alan had finished pimping all the old cars up and J had a party to go to at his Philipeno friends house. He finally came home at about 9:30 with an ASBO, utterly stoned beyond comprehension and with a glazed far away look in his eye...
"Um... how was it J?"
*Breathes out smelly breath*
"Ish whhhaaash f-ffhineee"
I'm so glad he enjoyed himself ;) Lol.
Any road up, tis time for some Youtube epicness....
Today: Fusion man - Rocket wings!
Ok, so we though Iron man was good.... check this guy, he's for real baby!
HOW CRAZY! I totally want a go! I love how the wings fold out a few seconds after he exits the plane! It's like something Sci-fi :D
Weee! That was a good blog! Hope you enjoyed!!
I have a headache which is 14.3 on the Richter scale so I really must hit the straw.
Cya'll soon!
x Ðave x
G'ma and Aunty - I'm really sorry we couldn't come and see you. We had to be back at 5:00 to do more revision and it was too late by the time we left Bangor. Next Saturday for sure, if not before. It's half term come Friday so we'll have a bit of slack then. Loves! Ðx
S'all right I didn't know you were supposed to be coming anyway!!! Glad your hooves are now shoed satisfactorily ;)
No wonder you got a headache .... ace blog, brilliantly executed gramma and sin tax, except for video 8<0 And should we be concerned about Jonny? XXX
Jonny.... course not! Lol ;)
Apart from the usual retardations and slight twitching in the nasal area... nothing unusual :P
Oh, and it's well 'shod' :)
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