Hi.... I'm David... I'm really tired, and have a headache. I must learn to stop face planting on the surface of the swimming pool...

--------------------------> ^ Not me :D ^
Anyway, we did yet another test paper this morning, then played on the PC for a bit before lunch (J and I). Alan came for lunch as we decided to go swimming today because we're away from Tuesday night onwards.
Had a good swim. Alan learned to not "PANIC!" and just take the water as it came, as opposed to fighting it all the time :D..... The water is your frieeend.. Who said that?!?! O.O
I'm still practicing my diving but I have belly flopped a lot even though I can do it pretty cleanly sometimes. It's kinda annoying because I KNOW I CAN do it, but sometimes it just big hairy epic fails, my legs fly over and SPLADOOOSH.....swishswishswosh , a large non-tidal wave heads straight at the lifeguards, who are ably rescued by the assistant lifeguards, who are ably assisted by the receptionists who were clinging onto the telephone in a long human chain for dear life.... Then the wave subsided and all the water flowed back into the pool and filled my lungs with chlorine and the odd plaster that had lost it's adhesiveness. So much for crossing on dry land...
Yes.... we had fun :D
We came home and had some more food to keep our energy up, and then Alan went back home to do some work...."GOODBYE THERE"!!!
H and I did another paper while Mum took J to band, she left him there for the duration and came back to do some marking of papers and some more revis- with H and me.
Then we had some tea and now I've run out of things to say! :D
Anyways, tonights video is so hilarious that I reckon you should take a few sediments... (too much geography sorry) I mean sedatives to calm you down ;-)
It's the Puppet Pals that mimic Harry Potter etc. You need have no knowledge of HP to appreciate the video, it's not connected.
Note: If you don't like made up swear words, then don't watch this video...
Note 2: If you don't like them then why are you about to click play?
Note 3: The best bit is at the end :)
I nearly had a brain hemorrhage I was laughing so much... maybe it's just me ;)
DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT ON THE VIDEO, 6 million people on Youtube enjoyed it..... did you?....
x Joe Blogs x
P.S. There will be NO BLOG UNTIL FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!! because we're going to the exam centre on Tuesday evening. Enjoy your week! Ðx
Great video voolfy, you floppy-wanded hippopotamus tail!
Have an excellent time journeying to the Dale of Roch, & facing facing the wrath of (dah! dah! dah!) the E-X-A-M-I-N-O-R.
And, whatever happens, never forget that you are a Womble. No. I'm sorry, that is not right. You are not a Womble - & don't ever think you are. Instead, remember, "DON'T PANIC!" - unlike "the fool in the pool".
lol and rotflol good description of diving attempt 10/10 A++++ I felt I was there (goes and dries off with towel)
Sorry didn't get the video, was it ironic or something? Philosophiclly I'm now somewhere between post-ironic and pre-tribulational. You need to try and keep up ;>) XXXX
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