Morning all,
Just had like, kinda a really long day, with long bits, and kinda sorta like tired.... I mean for sure it's half term, but thats like so 2007 baby, you gotta stay up late and look wacked for the crew to checkya in nowadamsayin?
So, I got up and played Conan with Steff *chops someone up into little bits* and then nearly missed the whole gang charging off to church.... woopsie :D Anyway, David Finnie preachéd and it was.... well, non-discript.
The 'young people' (aka: Old lady muggers) stayed behind after the service and had a BBQ. Very nice, although we really had to work for our food! Stoke that barbie boy!!!
Anyway, we played various games which got wilder and wilder, until I found an excuse to stand up and start signing Seven Nation Army, strumming a badminton racket ably assisted by J on the Bass Tennis Racquet and H banging out the bass line on the piano. Jonah wacked various items to get the drums and the end result sounded very like this......
I mean, The White Stripes are a bro - sis band eh!
Anyway, we attended the evening service, which was, in actual fact... a complete disaster, AND, not being a blog blogging about disasters and begging for aid for half dead preachers and bored congregations, I shall not attempt to record the event!
Having said I don't write about disasters I must say, that poor SuperAl has gone and had a showdown with a bollard at the roundabout by the Shell garage, and his van came off the worst and it bust the suspension on the front wheels and fuzzled up the chasseis rather appalingly. I hope it's not written off, I wuv that blue thaaang!
I think I shall finish there, but be warned, next Sunday there is talk of doing a cover of Seven Nation Army with the kids after church..... we'll see... watch this space. In fact don't, because 'tis possible that nothing will come of it... just remember to remember not to forget.
Second vid of the day:
I like big Bibles.
It has been written to the tune of the song I like big butts and it's cheesy and fun and the lyrics are pretty hilarious. I added the lyrics just underneath the video....
"Oh my goodness
Becky, look at her bible it is so huge!
she looks like one of those preacher guys girlfriends
but who understands those preacher guys anyway?
they only talk to her because she looks like Mother Teresa, okay
I mean look at it, it's just huge
bleh, it's gross
she's just so... righteous"
I like big bibles and i cannot lie!
You Christian brothers can't deny
when a girl walks in with a KJV
and a bookmark in proverbs
you get stoked
got her name engraved
so you know that girl is saved
it looks like one of those large ones
with plenty of space in the margins
oh baby,i wanna read withca
cause your bibles got pictures
my minister tried to console me
but that book you got makes me so holy
ooh momma-mia
you say you want koinonia
well, bless me, bless me
and teach me about John Wesley
i saw her praying while i was DJing
she got grace..pretty face
she ain't goin down to the bad place
i'm tired of heathen guy
sayin they like pocket-size
ask the average Christian to take a look
she's gotta pack much book
so fellas (yeah), fellas (yeah)
has your girlfriend got the book (ooh yeah)
well read it (read it) read it (read it) read that holy book
baby got book
(NIV with a ribbon bookmark)
baby got book
(NIV with a ribbon bookmark)
i like 'em leather and bound
it's 50 pounds
i just can't understand
how it is some weenie want the bible on CD
she wanna get you saved
Amen! double-up A-men!
i ain't talkin about a paraphrase
cause Paul wouldn't use those anyways
like 'em real thick and red lettered
you can't find nothin better
southpaw's in love
bibles that big are unheard of
so i'm sittin here thinkin what if
i find me a girl that shows midriff
you can have those bimbos
i'll keep those chicks that do devo's
a word to the Christian sistas
i can't resisit yall i'll do God's time witcha
but i gotta be straight when i say, i wanna pray
till the break of day
baby got it goin on like the wife in proverbs 31
we might get engaged
when we finished readin this page
cus it's worn, and its torn
and i know this girls reborn
so ladies (yeah) ladies (yeah)
do wanna save people from Hades (yeah)
then red it till the paged fall out
even white preachers gotta shout
baby got book
(thompson chain with big red letters)
baby got book
yeah baby
when it comes to a good book
Stephen Kings resume just can't compare
39+27= 66 books
and if you're catholic..there's even more
so your girlfriend quotes bill hybels
but does she got a big bible
cuz that little thing she's got won't start a revival
my bible study don't want none unless you got book hun
..you can read clancy or grisham
but please don't lose this book
some brothers wanna play that hard role
and tell you that book's too old
so they toss it and burn it
and i pull up quick to just learn it
so your girl like paperback? well i ain't down with that
cuz my girlfriends hot, her bibles rockin
and shes got good doctrine
to the atheist chicks who try to dis
you ain't it miss priss
give me a Christian, i'm insistin'
and i'll great her with some holy kissin'
some pervert tried to chase
but he didn't make it past first base
she's quick to resist temptation
and she loves a new translation
so ladies who were lost and found
if you want the triple 6 thrown down
dial 1-800-reads-a-lot
and teach and those psalms
baby got book
(NIV with a ribbon bookmark)
baby got book
(thompson chain with big red letters)
bible college knowledge but she still got book
Hope you enjoyed the blog tonight. Love ya'll!
Ðave the raver
luvdit luvdit especially the bits I didn't understand - which was most of it:>) So you are succeeding in your mission to flummox. Be encouraged XXXXX
*Feels encouraged*
Don't encourage him! Well, not too much.
Voolfman - I wuv that blue van too. Write off!? Oh no! Surely not! Will know better when that nice Mr Arwel sees it tomorrow. Fancy him having today off - just because it's a Bank Holly - or something! Hopefully, it's just an easy - & not too expensive repair to the suspension. Chassis damage - hopefully not! NOT! NOT!
Keep up the good work.
Wouldn't give me access to the vid - but sounds like fun.
Keep up the good work.
I wonder if there's a computer game that helps with exam revision? Hmmmmmmmmm! There's an idea. Now! Let me see............
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