Morning :D
I did cry myself to sleep, such a cheery life I lead. Heyho my life also goes on despite my insistence to the contrary....
What you all beeeeeen up to?
I played a fair bit on the PC again today but Steffan was having various technical issues with the game which meant we didn't get to play with each other today. Very annoying. Hopefully it will all be sorted tomorrow morning.
Mum, H and I did another few papers today, we actually wrote the Biology multiple choice paper and then went through and Geog paper with Mum.
Then we sorted out some papers that she'd marked and she explained what we'd done right and wrong etc etc.
H, J, Grampy and I watched The Bourne Identity this evening, whilst Mum has gone to have a meal with Alan and friends. LOL I nearly missed the 's' on the end of 'friends' then :D
Hahaha, I just watched a bit of Pure Pwnage (ownage) on youtube (one of the rare clips with nice innocent child friendly language in it) and it went kind of like this....
"Some times I think I should just join the army, I mean it's not that different from FPS just with better graphics.... But what happens if you get lag out there?! I'm DEAD!
I even heard there's no respawn points in RL!"
FPS = First person shooter
RL = Real life
Hehehe, that's how I feel about joining teh forces you know? What if my frames per second drop below 10.... what if I'm in a fire fight with some terrorists in Kabul and someone pulls my headphones out, I'm deaf!! What if a bullet smashes my screen.... I'm BLIND!!!
I mean, what if the door to the kitchen closes while I'm out there and my wireless router gets rerouted via India, Germany and the Ukraine! I'd be DEAD!
No wait.... I have to think rationally... yes, as the wise Master J***ner said, "Reality.... it's not a game"
I think I need a brain scan... "Yes sir the results have come in.... they're negative, yes sir, you have no brain" !!
Anywayyyyy here's Radio one with some prank phone calls!
LOL! "Do you deliver" HAHAHAHAH
Ok ok, it made me rotflol :)
We'll I'm off, I've got a hard days work tomorrow, I know, I have to work on a Saturday, I keep complaining to Mum but she won't listen... yeah that's right, you said it, I have to sit repeatedly clicking a mouse and typing at my keyboard all morning!!
I will own you all later
Ð/-\ \/ 3
1 comment:
Re: tonight's blog: tick VG :>)
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