Hey hey!
Just been to Youth club.
There was no blog yesterday because (as most of you know) I was traveling to the exam centre in Rochdale for my Geography long answer paper.
Mum predicted that volcano's would come up because they hadn't for three years... and it did! So I totally chose that question :D:D My Mum is a total legend :)
Anyways yeah, journey back was fine, no problems.... mind you, a couple of drivers cut in front of us really really closely to get off the motorway. Maniacs.
Tomorrow I'm going to have to work quite hard. We did a test paper (for our Biol exam which is next week) when we got home, and we didn't do that well, I got above 51% or something, but it's not great :( I need to touch up on my reproduction information..... how'd you expect me to know something like that eh!? Shocking.
In the afternoon Dad is taking H and I to Bangor to get some shoes etc, really really really really really looking forward to that :D
Video!! This is another really cool video, though not so arty as the previous one....
It is entitled: Irresponsible Parenting - Part 1 - Video Nasties
So cute!
I shall leave you with a quote from a conversation I was having with Mum and Grampy 2 days ago...
"The whole idea of money is immaterial.."
lol, I found it funny anyway, I don't think they noticed the irony ;)
I'm desperate to sleep now, so I shall...
Don't know about seeing the irony in money being immaterial, but what about the irony in volcanoes coming up?? rotflol See ya XXXX
More top class exam work. Am I getting this right - you had to write about immaterial money volcanoes? Can you tell me where I can find one? I could do with some extra cash, even if it involves some dnagerous volcano climbing.
Thanks for the video - Bass loved it. She says she knows a bit about irresponsible parenting - hers keeps leaving her for hours on end, apparently!
LOL! Aunty.... ok, even I missed that.... silly fool :D
Jolly dee Alan. :) Sleep well buddieees!
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