Why heliiiiwwwww!
Aunty should refer to her blog from whence I got the inspirational inspiration for todays headline picture.
Cats should replace made up women on the front on all these papers really, much more loveable and furry =D Anyway yes....
Oh of course! Today, all my troubles seemed so far away.... I felt it was no use to say, that I believe in hay... oh, yes, I had to blow my nose... snot wouldn't stayyy! (To be sung to the tune Yesterday).
Did I get lost somewhere writing this? Oh yeah!!
Today, was the day before tomorrow and the day after yesterday which was the day before, the day before, tomorrow. Which brings me to the third point of my monologue *Old lady gets out another mint and teenagers in the back row shuffle around to get their bum cheeks more comfy*...
TODAY: Went very well.
Another beautiful morning (sheesh not more songs!), played some PC and went out with Dad to have lunch wiv said Pater and narnty. Grandma was ill the night before and so couldn't come :(
Anyways we had a good time and some nice fool.....(LOL Fraudian slip)...*food* and Dad managed to get some stuff he needed for Treborth, e.g. lots and lots and lots and lots of terra-firma flower pots which was good.
On the way out from the garden centre I saw Richard, who ever so kindly didn't speak to me. Him being the one who so very ably snatched Hannah (not my sister) from my arms and then threw her out with the trash a week or two later. Swine! Twas all I could do to refrain from causing a lot of damage to one of Dad's new flower pots. He was working there, they manage to get all kinds of ruffians in this centre I tell you!
Went to G+A's house for a bit and saw Austin and had a laze around and a chat. Sang the theme from the Titanic.... love that song! Grandma was feeling muchly better so thats vewwy good ^^
Bailed out from their house and went back home, only to dash off to see Iron Man with Alan.
Great film, really enjoyable 'ride', not too demanding but cool all the same :D
Tomorrow I'll be out all day so I'd better go to bed. Wacked as it is and I've only got through 3 beers O.o
Another cat one that I found yesterday. I can't afford to spend 10 minutes looking for decent ones to share with you :( Sorry!
Cartoon cat. There are a few of these videos but this one's pretty cool :D
*SMASH.........MeooowwwW* LOL!
Righty ho,
Peace guys!
*Fires off a few 'Jericho missiles'*
Hey! I was thinking you could do a blog with just tags!!! Why are you reading this fool? rotflol. Might nick pic for blog ta :P Lurved the video. Did you see the one where he wakes him up in bed? A's doing that to me now, except I'm already awake. He's going crazy attacking my .. ... Owwwwwww, Aaaaarggggghhhhhh .....
Lol. Poor you :D
Sure, nicka pic... no problamo!
Lol, I was trying to put decent tags, and I got bored thinking of them, so I thoughted why nottie?! :D
Aye, I saw that vid, mwhehehe, so simple but funny!
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