^ I'm totally sympathising with this dude!^
I'm tired, forgive any sprelling mistrooks that I may maek.
I have to get up early tomorrow for some band practice thing.... sheesh, the world hates me.... just coz I'm the best at snoozing away the later hours, everyone gets jealous. -.-
I had loads and loads of fun today.
First I played with Steff on the PC, no hitches, just pure OWNAGE!
Then Aunty came and took us to G and her house and we had a yummy lunch and I got a sun tan outside :D
Later on Dad came round and we went to Plas Newydd and walked around the house and also had a lurrrvely drinkage in the second handie pandie bookshop.
We were dropped off (splat) back home at about 5:04 and talked to Alan briefly, then I got down to important work and so I played with Steff AND Geth on the computer for ages and ages and ages which was loads of fun. If you see anyone running around our area with arrows sticking out of their nether regions or axes embedded in their craniums then that is our handy work.
Alan is travelling tomorrow so we aren't going to see him for..... A WEEK! *shock horror*
I'd better get to bed now (I spelt bed 'bad'... so tired) so I shall leave you with Coldplay's new song from their new album.
The song is entitled: Violet Hill
I love it, blissfully awesome bass :)
Goodnight folks, love you all with a deep and burning passion.... woops sorry, typing to the wrong person ;)
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!
yep! or some bass ;>)
taeverso for reminding me what I did yesterday 8>) XXXX
Yo is funneh
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