Today I got up at 7:01..... not. I woke up then but sadly couldn't get up, I was desperate to do some work before I had to go and see the orthodontist to have a check up on my brace.
Take two: I got up at 8:04 and made my br..... ok I didn't, I fell straight back to sleep again and in the end got woken up by my lovely Mum at 8:36 or something stupid!
Didn't have any food. Yanked/pulled/hauled (OMG I just sneezed and gobbed a huge ball of snot at the bottom left hand corner of my computer screen! *Ball of said snot starts slithering down the screen towards the frame, PANIC, don't panic, get a tissue, NO TISSUES LEFT!! PANIC!!!, must stay calm...must stay calm, reaches down and grabs a grossly stiff tissue out of the bin, frantically wipes screen until all trace of the horrific slime-blob has disappeared* Saved :P!)
Where was I? Oh yes, Yanked/pulled/hauled all the articles of clothing onto myself that are needed to maintain a slight level of decency, and then charged downstairs, grabbed my hairbrush with the fluidity and grace of a ballet dancer, did a double backflip over the arm of the sofa and landed in my shoes. Jumped in the car and brushed my hair whilst correcting which feet had which shoe on. And in this fashion we (Mum was driving, don't brush hair and drive) skidded off for Bangor on time; Kinda :D
Got there in time and had my appointed, appointment. The Orthashizzleontist bent a few of the wires on my brace with a pair of huge pliers that looked like they had just been pinched (haw haw haw) from the toolbox of Thunderbird 3. He shuvved it back in and asked me if it felt ok, I said it felt pretty good for a large lump of plastic and metal, and I think that satisfied him.
He asked about my scheduled tooth-extractions and I told him it could be about 5 more weeks according to my Dentist. He was alright with that, but even so I gave him the opportunity to extract them with the big momma pliers. He wasn't going to comply.... pity.
I have another appointment with him at the end of August, by that time all four teeth should have been outed in one way or another.
*Hums along to I love Rock 'n' Roll - Joan Jett*
Righty.... the day continued, I ate some brekkie and did some work.
About 30 minutes after my food had left my bowl and entered my digestive system a gorgeous little cat came and sunned itself on our patio. Unbeknown to me, he was one of Jonny's little cat followers. He didn't pay much attention to me, but I got some fantastic photographs and I'm a little too proud of them!
^ This is him eyeing me suspiciously when he first noticed me
^ This is the one I'm going bananas over, it's such a clean photo it's almost like someone has made it in a computer graphics program!
He/she's very petite eh?
Then Alan came for lunch and then we bombed off to give him another swimming lesson. 21 degrees on the way to Llangefni! Insane.
Fortunately the pool hadn't dried up, so we actually got to do some swimming!
Alan progressed a little, but mainly just became more familiar with what we'd done the week before. He gave a sterling effort (can you say that?) at learning how to get on his feet from floating on his back. I've never really thought about how hard it is, when you learn something it tends to become "I've always been able to do it", not intentionally, you just do the movements and it's second nature. I reckon it was as hard for him to learn, as it was for us to explain. Pretty darn hard!
The god of war rode out one day, upon his favourite filly,
"I'M THOR", he cried, his horse replied,
"You forgot your thaddle thilly!"
Small Hairy Super Dwarf told J and I that little ditty whilst we were doing our ablutions after swimming. Cracked me up on the spot ;)
We came back home and ate a few snacks to regain our strength, everyone else drank loadsah tea.... I just stuck to a good old pint of lager. *hic*
Not long afterwards everyone else left for shopping, Bible club and Alan went to Colwen bay for some meeting or other.
I was left all on my ownsome, with lots of work to do.
All my work got done by the time everyone returned, but I want to show you a photo from our Geography Field Trip which I referred to briefly in a previous blog entry.
^ I took it, and I'm pleased with it :). H is sitting on the rock centre screen. Was another beautiful day.
The others came back much later than usual, they had told me previously so I wasn't worried. They had been invited to the house of one of the boys in Bible club. They're Indians and Mum felt she had turned them down too many times. When they arrived they found that the wife/mother had prepared a huge meal for them from absolute scratch! Not only that, she gave Mum enough food to feed two people, so she could take it home for me!
I was well chuffed, especially as I hadn't eaten for ages although I was supposed to ;)
Here it all is!!
The white saucy thing is a type of fish that is really hard to come by in UK shops, even oriental ones apparently. Twas called King Fish. Really huge pieces of fish, kinda tender, fish texture crossed with chicken. Really Delicious!
Oh I nearly forgot to mention how rubbish British food is. Japaties should be STAPLE... FOOL!
Tonights video: Procrastination.
J, Al and I saw this in the cinema before Iron Man. Such a cool little clip, and funny with it :D
"....get my stuff done..." I sure got all my stuff done today! YAY!!!
PHEW! I think that's all, I hope you've enjoyed tonights extra epic length blog, I have! I really, really wanted to make up for the other couple of days where I've posted practically nothing. I've done my best anyway!
A big hefty peace!!!
Hi DeeMan,
Thank you for your supportive comments re: swimming. Makes me feel better.
I hope you didn't eat all that food. Remember, you were supposed to save some for me. Will have my share tomorrow. OK?
I'm looking forward to watching "Procrastination" again. How cleve rof you to find it. I will watch it tomorrow when I am a bit more awake.
Liked the cat pics, as well.
Top blog - matey!
:D Lol
Thank you!!
Ok no problems, you go sleep. I'm off now as well. Really pooped. Mums Aunt is coming as previously planned so thats kinda good, bad in her books for some reason.... :P
Glad you liked.
well that was a full and frank post - a tad too frank in some places TMI lol. Didn't know J had an on2rage?? What great pics of the puddy. Bring it over it can join A's gang! Yep deffo enjoyed this epic saga (although bit with the pliers brought tears to my eyes) - will it count towards your Eng lit.? :P That video clip was about me, you realise that?? Anyway I am lolled and rotflolled and pmsld, so better go and clear up! luvCxxxxx
Glad you enjoyed as much as I did rotfl.
Cyas soon
Ew ew ew ew...and you want ME to come and clean your computer screen!!!!!! NOOOOOOO way hosay!!!! haha
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