Protesting against colour restrictions on my blog.
Protesting against lack of sleep.
Protesting against the weak.
Protesting about sheep.
Protesting about..ZzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
*Talks in sleep: Grampy flew to Cardiff today to see his son etc. He got there safely. I always said Grampies may fly.... and they did. He managed to smuggle some cannabis in his 'Snorezz' he's genius*
*They asked him if he had any sharp objects or liquids, did he pack the bag himself, could the bag have been tampered with.... "No? Ok thank you, bye!" Silly fools, he had an AK47 in his hand luggage. It was disguised as a packet of walkers crisps.... Chedder flavour... mmmmmm ;-)*
Had a good day. Violin went well although I'd barely practiced from frustration at my failings :P
Band was fine. Helped Grampy move a wardrobe and returned home for tea.
Alan came which is (as he's still here) jolly, I must rush and socialise now ;)
OOoooh, one more thing. Alan is providing a means to get to see Iron Man on Saturday. Really kind of him because we have to go to Llandudno as the Bangor screen got demolished.... nothing to do with me mate :D
Did the usual ablutions and did a bit of Biology work concerning writing out various words and their definitions..... sound familiar? IT SHOULD DO! lol
Mum had to go for an invigilation training session at Chris E-'s house because she's doing three exam invigilations to help out... Can't quite remember if it was mandatory or not :P
I read a book that I brought with me -I'm so forward thinking ;-)- and Jonny played a board game with their youngest son, Nathanial who was more excited about explaining to us what an Almanac was than beating Jonny in their game! I may have forgotten to mention the said child is only eight.....
Hannah drank tea and played a puzzle game which I wanted to play but she wouldnt let me beoss shes so meannarstynorrible! Huh >:(
We returned from our journey into the wilds of Snowdonia and then had to leave straight for band.... oh joy, how the fire that leapt up in our hearts at that wonderful realisation......... wait a minute....... "How the fire that leapt up in our hearts at that surprisingly horrific thought gutted us from the inside out, burning even the piano and the lovely set of Russian dolls which we never liked anyway."
*coughs and takes a sip of saliva*
Anyway, we injured (<--- pun = haha) band dispite all possible expectations, and managed to come out the other side having sustained only minor injuries... well, whats a burst eardrum or two between friends!
Got home and had a bust up with Jonny over the personal hygiene that he possesses; or rather doesn't possess and with a combined effort that would make the EU proud, we managed to get our puddings confiscated until tomorrow. -.- Nazi's! :D Only kidding, I've needed to lose weight for about 64 or 65 years! Rofl
Viiiideoo time!
Amazing skydiving video! World record, 400 people all doing it in formation. SO COOL!
They must have had a hec of a sense of achievement! I can't think of anything else more amazing to have taken part in!
Went to Gmanaunty's house and had a vewwy nice lunch, talked and joked like idiots, normal... Didn't stay for very long because we were having Alan, Philip, Jonah and Elsbeth (out home ed friends from church) around for the afternoonie.
Jonah brought his rods as did Phil and we set off to catch some whales for Jonah to get eaten by...
I went down on my bike and gashed my ankle open and died of consumption in a hospital in Bugleslavia.... tis very hard typing with fingers that go through things... weird.
We managed to lose about four sets of tackle by hooking up various boats with over ambitious casting!
Philip: It's hooked round the starter handle on that outboard motor!
Me: Poo
Jonny: Ahh
Jonah: Great
Philip: Hope the line snaps before the handle moves...
Me: Lol
Jonny: That'd be funny!
Jonah: Hope the handle turns before the line snaps!
Chorus: AWWWWWWWww
Quite hilarious. Note: It was actually Jonah's line that got stuck lol, Phil was ordered to fix it!
Jonah, Jonny and I decided to hit the skate park, so we took a stunt micro-scooter, a skateboard and my belovéd BMX. We were kinda worried about the kids down there, but we shouldn't have been. The younger kids were all in the skatepark and, the unwritten rule is.. If people with skating gear come, it's their right-of-way.... Did we have a show for them ;) They were really impressed with our stunts, one of the boys had seen me practicing in a car park a few weeks back, and he wanted me to show my flatland tricks. I obliged :D
Jonah did crazy stuff, for a 12 year old dude he's nuts... fearless beast! Must be something to do with his almost 6ft height or somthing! he bombed all the ramps, what ever mode of transport we had, we did crazy stuff with it. Great fun
Oh yes, Nathen walked up to Jonny very slowly and said sorry for attacking him! He had been told since that he'd made a mistake with the person that was pushing him around and as a peace offering gave Jonny a large sweet :P Bless, Jonny just said "Don't worry about it" HE'S MAH MAN FOO'! :D
Mum cooked a fantastic tea, cooked breakfast (paradox!) for 8 people! My Mother is a LEGEND! And I love her lots.... *whispers* moneh in the post? ♥
At 7:30 we arrived at AOG for the concert done by the Ugandan crowd. They were AWESOME. Full of energy and life, bright coloured clothes/uniform all smiles and great singers :D
We only stood up to sing and dance once which was a pity, their movements were infectious!
After the concert we decided to go back to Alan's pad for some tea/juice and since it was in the direction of Jonah and Elsbeth's house it was ok.
Lots of laughs on the way, various jokings :D Good time was had by all. Whatho!
Did some work, did a teeny bit of beatboxing.... and a tiiiinnyy bit of game (honest!) and went to youth club..... Not much else really ^^
Tomorrow should be alright though... Going to G'mas and Aunty's howwze after a wee bit of game etc, and then back home to be taken fishing with Philip and some other mates. Alan's coming as well so we'll have a full house!! Pretty cool. Hopefully it won't rain too much and we'll actually catch somthing! Then in the evening we're going to raid AOG and kidnap all the people inside it -.- No, not really.... we'll only kidnap a few of them ;) And we'll listen to a group of young people from Uganda all who (apparently) were orphaned because their parents died from AIDS. Should be interesting to hear them anyway :D
I got up and played a few minutes of game, then practiced some beats and watched a few more tutorials.
Had brekkie and got to work a bit too late. Finished all the vocab for the geography GCSE level. Chuffed eversoslightly...
Physics at 2:45 (slightly late) suceeded in surviving.... always a good plan :D
Got back in, had some passport photos taken at a booth (lovely word that, booooothhhh) for the exam papers, I decided that when they check it with my fizzog, I shall screw my face up and drop my jaw down and let my tounge hang out, just for pre-exam kicks :-)
Had a little beatbox with some people from Hungary, Russia, Kasakstan, France, Germany, America and....... Bristol again ;-) Good fun.
Mum was taking Grampy to pick his car up because it was having stuff done to the brakes, and while she was gone Jonny came in, the convo was as follows...
"Hey Jon"
As he said this he turned his head and I saw a huge gash down from his temple (?) to his jaw..
"What the hec happened to you!?"
And as he said this he burst into tears,
"..I got beaten up by Nathan 'bog-eyes'"
"Joe tripped him up with his hand over Bog-eyes eyes and Joe blamed me"
What was I supposed to do?! Poor little chap with blood and tears streaming down his face, totally composed apart from his blubbering and standing there with clenched fists and white knuckles. I'll tell you what I did, I did what any abnormal person would...
"Where'd he hit you?"
"He tripped me up, and I fell with my arms twisted behind me, he then kicked me in the side of my head a few times, *sniff* jumped on me with plasti-stud football boots and punched me in my face"
I was flaming mad by this time, so I said,
"Lets flippin' go, no one does this to you and gets off scot free"
I put my shoes on and stormed out of the house leaving Jonny with Hannah. Just as I left our gate who should come trotting along the pavement but a very cocky little Nathan bogface, who was swaggering so much that if he wasn't so short he'd have been turning sumasaults.
"NATHAN" I shouted,
Meanwhile Nathan froze and went a funny shade of white. I learned afterwards that I'm talked about a lot by Jonny and his mates, and although I know him, he doesn't know who I am, only that I exist = INSTANT ADVANTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!
"It wasn't me,"
"Oh Really....."
"N-no, he started it"
"You're not the one that's all beat up... Jonny? Did you start on him
"There we go Nath, all I need is my brothers word, if this happens again, I will be straight round to your house and talking to your Mum in an instant. I know where you live so don't think I won't."
"Ok, I'm sorry, I wont..."
"Good man, I'm not gonna take it out on you now ok? You can see that.. but if it happens again you'll know about it."
*I turn around and close the gate, Nathan sulks off looking very deflated*
Cheeky begger, he's so stupid... HA, he picked on the ONE person who NEVER bullies him... he should write a book, "How to make enemies and cheese people off" By Nathan Thingumy wotsit. Written for him by his Mum, because he can't spell "enemies", which comes up a lot in the book.
Anyway, I felt quite proud of myself, Jonny handled it well considering, and when Mum came back 2 minutes later (twas only a short outing) he was feeling a bit more positive... like, "David owns all these newbs..." and "I didn't die, so that's good!"
Video time!
"The Iron Man" trailer, coming out on May the 2nd. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! Looks so epic.
The music in this trailer's ace too, 'specially the beginning "rock" beat.
Today has been like, sooooo totally awesome man, dude, woman... FOOL!
I've played the grand total of 40 minutes of game today, I'm sooo chuffed... I did all my hard work before Alan came at approx 1:15.
We set off for swimming after being fueled up by Mum's culinary skills, curried baked beans to propel us through the water with extra vigour and other things which I can't think of right now. To be quite honest, Alan was a-mazing, he was the leg-end of the year, he was supercallifragilespazticemailsandexplodingthesis. He overcame his fear of plunging his face into the water, dispite moaning about it ruining his hairstyle *cough* He kicked to the side, he kicked to the middle.... he was almost as amazing as Jackie Chan on prozac! He did such a good job that I think I shall skip my carefully prepared *sniggers* lesson no. 3 and go straight on to lesson no. 127; do not pass go, do not collect $100.
After we got back from our strenuous exeesizez I charged at my computer and hugged it round the CPU until I felt better. Then I logged into a voice chat room on a server that has been rented/bought by forums and to my happiness I found a guy from Russia, a kid from Hungary and a dude my age from (no you didn't guess it) Bristol! He was very helpful and encouraging, and the whole cart-loads of people that came and went in the following 2 and a half hours (yes you heard it) were just as fun to beat with. Some of them were so hardcore, few of them were professional DJ's. I was really stoked to say the least.
But.....BUT, that is nothing compare to the amazing realisation that the man who has the most famous and useful tutorials in the world for beatboxing, is a Christian AND was an assistant pastor no less, and is now outreach director for his church in Bath. His name is Gavin Tyte, aka, TyTe. I looked him up on the internet for a more personal side of him. He has a Facebook account (as do I) and so I hopelessly requested to add him as friend. I also sent an email explaining who I was and that I was also a Christian.
Whats that? Excited? Not me! ;-) ;-)
Got my first geography exam paper done this evening and then sat down with a nice hefty big tea to watch the beginning of the new episode of Foyles war. So epic, I wish that Papa and I could have watched it together. Would have been fun, like it is when Grampy knows bits about what it was really like.
Video right beloowwwww...
This guy was fed up of pigeons dumping in his pool (the one to the left hand side) so he bought a motion sensor water hose/sprinkler. The results are below ;)
Some of the comments on this video are hilarious, for example: "I wonder if one could implement this device in ones porch to scare off marauding Jehovah's Whitnesses" !!!
I'd better go right NOW, it's 11:30 >.< I'm so retarded :D
Band went well this evening, lots of jokes flying around. Paul (the -lightning- conductor) won't be teaching us for three weeks so we get a reprieve! We still have to be conducted by Fred though. The lesser of two evils ;-)
Alan is having his second anti-drowning lesson with me tomorrow. I think he might have his first beatbox lesson too!
Video of the day....
Chain surfing, awesome balance skills. Big credit 2 the dude who did this!
Hope all is well with you guys 'n' gals, whoever you are!
*Sounds the charge* Tootle tootie toot, parp parp tran-taraaaaa! *Stops sounding the change*
Hello Gentleladies and Men!
I got stuck in with work this morning.... to be quite honest it was more like afternoon, but there we are :P I played very loud music from my computer and speakers instead of on my headphones. Hannah requested it so I frustrated her by playing all my old rock stuff, plus some new "genres" which she preferred. With in about... ooh, 30 seconds she was headbanging away with me and howling some crazy lyrics whilst 'quietly' writing some biology and geography vocaburglary.
In coffee break I had a little spin on my BMX in the skatepark. Really good to be out in the air getting some blood pumping. Did some nifty pogo's on my back wheel.
I had to ride and get Jonny because we'd lost him and he was late coming back to join us to go to band. I got slowed down by a car doing 14mph over road humps.... come on maaaan, reach 20 perleeassee! Found Jonny after a bit of searching and I rode back with him riding peg style clinging to my back and telling me that 10mph was too fast with a passenger! Lol. Got back there in time and somehow we reached the bandroom before rehersal started!
One headache and frustrated family later we were informed that, "Because you are all so noisy and talking all the time, playing when I tell you to stop 'n' all that, I've decided to cut the rehersal time for this band down by half an hour."
We were happy that we didn't have to sit through an hour and a half of hell anymore but frustrated at the fact that we were chucked in with about 3 or 4 trouble makers and chatterboxes who needed a good spanking or a poke up the wotsit with a baton. Most of the band are fine, so we were all miffed. When asked why he had to lump everyone in Fred said... "Oh well you can't single people out, it's not fair" ...WHATS NOT FAIR IS THAT EVERYONE GETS LABLED!!!!!!!!!!!!
*End of rant*
Well yes anyways!
Alan came (upon our admittance) round bearing gifts of Mold, Frankenstien and Murk... Namely, Mayo and cookies! Well ok, only two things, but there was more than one cookie so HA!
Mum's just read us some Prince Caspian (as in the second book in the Chronicles of Narnia series) because the film is coming out sometime in May and we're going to see it. Such an epic book/series. The film will be a box-office-busting blockbuster.
So yesh, I suppose I could admit a little video ^^
Beatboxing (what a surprise) but this time it's comparing it to a real drum kit. It's an advert, and a good one :)
So you see, it can sound like a real kit! And DJ deck as well..... plus various other sounds such as trumpet, piczacato on a violin and acoustic guitar.
Today was a mild start with an East wind blowing in from Hannah's bedroom and a typhoon emerging from the depths of my Mother's room when she explained that there was no internet access this morning! ARGGGHHHHhhhhh.
Anyways, the problem was resolved with a little bit of DIY turning off (and on again) of PC's :P
"That's stupid, can't possibly make a difference" Quote Grampy, dated - just about any time when we say it fixes the most impossible things!
We went to Alan's church as planned this morning. I was so tired I didn't really get the full benifit of his preaching. At least I remember it was on Psalm 117 "A little gem" as he discribed it. Certainly the most sense I've ever heard coming from a two versed chapter, and the most preaching on two verses as well! Very groovy.
Alan very kindly invited us to have a pizza with him after the service. I'm soooooo his friend for life. Two 12 inches between four! Yeah baby! So, I'm contemplating being extra nice to him for always, and making sure that we only drown him slightly on Wednesday. :D
I talked to Sion today (my mate who knows Lizzy) and we've decided we might pop into Bangor on the bus next Saturday.... So yeah, it's a group blind date now. Shocking these 21st century ideas! Mwheheheheeeeee
I didn't go to church in the evening, Mum did, us kiddie winkles stayed at home and watched the end of Br8kfast at Tiffany's (oh we are so unholy) and the beginning of Pirates of the Curriedbeans(3)for the umpteenth time. The thing that strikes me about the potc films is that you find a new phrase or utterance every time!
Quote - Hector Barbossa "It's not getting to the land of the dead that is the problem; it's getting back." Unquote
Such an awesome line! Really fantastic how they come up with these things.
I'm searching for a decent 2gb MP3 player. I missed a massive bargin on ebay which I'm slightly cheesed off about, but I had about 1 minute and 42 seconds in which to procure this item before the time ran out. Pfft >.<
Played some Counter Strike with Steffan this evening. Owned some more Zombies :D. We ran around with a group of other people who were all armed to the teeth. We chose to have a relatively light armament each. 'twas as follows: Mini Uzi x 1 (four clips of ammo), Grenade x 1, Desert Eagle pistol x 1 (5 magazines of ammo) and a knife. We split off from the rest of the group and, quite simply and with cool calculating countenances (what a great line) obliterated about 34 zombies in about 15 minutes. So hardcore :D
Beatboxing stalled for today. I've only progressed so far as being able to do faster beats.... still VERY simple though. Annoying the b-wotsit out of everyone... what's changed?
So yesh, that's about it really for today. Tomorrow is the two lower bands, I expect I'll be teaching one of Hannah's little prototypes... (sorry?) ah, protégé (Thank you darling) Yes anyway, my secretary, she's invaluble..... that's why I don't pay her.
ANYWAAYYYY, moving swiftly onwards in a singing style (cantabilé) I shall produce a video from my little collection...
An Engineers guide to......cats Fantasticly funny video, very simple, but with some laugh out loud moments. It's 7 minutes long so sit back, relax and watch the fur covered spanners fly!
LOL "Toona iz like, cocaineee for kitties" Crazy dudes.
Time for bed said Zebadee!
EDIT: What a cheery long blog I wrote this evening. I'm so impressed!
------------------------------^ Austin lookalike ^---------------------------- Well heelleeeww!
I got up at 9:00.... Fact!
I played some violent games with Steffan and owned some zombie butt!....Fact! ^^^^^Picture of todays dead zombies to prove my point!^^^^^ I killed all of them with Steff, we're such heros!
I cycled to Bangor and had an awesome time with Lizzy wot I won't talk about because it's so very private and totally censored >:D......FICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grrhhhhh, she didn't tell me what time or where we would meet. Later on she explained that she went to a friends party on Friday night, and one of her friends had a fit of some kind and she felt obliged to escort her to hospital in an ambulance!!! Oh well, at least she was there for her friend :P Sion and I are planning on meeting them next Saturday anyways, so that should be coolage.
Went to G'ma's 'n'arntie's house and watched a film, ate lunch and had fun......FACT! :D
Quote: "I knew my parents only vaugely.... my Father was a missionary, he got eaten by his Bible class" Unquote.
Such an epic line!!! I can just imagine Janet Thomas saying "Today you're all going to eat me, won't that be fun!!!"
Ohhhh dear :P
Saw Ginge Secondus today. He's a mighty beast. Hate to see what the top hat top cat is like! Austin seems to have them wrapped around his little claw anyways so all's well that is under control... or somthing.
Mmmmm, I'm eating popcorn :D Tis very tasty..
Going to Alans church tomorrow morning so that'll be a nice change :D. We always arrive in B-gelert just as the cock starts crowing its head off, it's so peaceful there. I won't see Steffan which is anoying because I forgot to tell him >.< Woopsie :)
Can't think of anything more to say I'm afraid, I've stopped functioning at this late hour, 10:45, I have to say because Blogger's time keeping device is so rubbish they might as well not have one.... stick that in your virtual pipe and smoke it :P
Linkin Park - What I've Done
A fantasticly poinent video I think, I love the words, the music and the video. For those of you with duffery buffers then just play it, pause it instantly, go away and watch Neighbours, when you get fed up of the pathetic acting then return to this awesome video!
I'm feeling so much better today, can't express how much better. Still a bit abnormal (=Normal) but better none the less!
I'm continuing to tackle the epicness of beatboxing. It's hard, enjoyable and feels rewarding even though I've started so recently :) I can do basic beats and also hum a constant chord and beat a "bass drum/kick drum" sound and carry the hum on. (Aunty shall be shown tomorrow :P)
I'm still hoping to bomb off to bangor on my "Blind date" as Grampy called it.... silly man :P. It seems though it might rain though ;'( Oh well, I shall cover my relatives house with spit from my beating lips -.-
Went to youth club tonight, had a great time, we all brought a game so we had lots of laughs with everyone's crazy contributions!!
Got some good work done I think, made a few drawings of various biology related things to put in my folder. Also wrote a story for English. It was about my relative who was a crewmember of a lifeboat. Grooovvaay
Video time, just a shortish video of a beatboxer on Austrailian Idol. He's pretty good, although there are people waaayyyy better than him. The echos that he does are with his mouth and not the mic, and he does deep vantriloquism voices mixed with the beat. Pretty groovy stuff with no secrets given away ;-)
Wicked cool yah'no! Boom-ba-cha-boomboom-tic B k t B B k t etc etc :D
I'm feeling pretty bad this evening. I'm frustrated and I don't know why, I dislike everything at the moment and just want to batter somthing to peices!!
I can't wait till I can get off to Bangor on Saturday. Fed up of being house bound.
Did physics today, passed without many happenings, although Grampy got confused by somthing Hannah asked....
H: So J = Joules and W = Watt?
G: W = Watt...
H: That's what I said.
G: .............Oh..............
Stupid to invent such a stupid name for any human being, let alone naming a scientific find after him!!!
Oh dear.... I'm starting to calm down now, feeling more relaxed now that H and J have stopped making dumb noises and talking about flipping Runescape.
I'm learning to beatbox :D:D I'm thinking I might be quite good at it with a little bit of practice, and it's great, because you do it in your mouth, with your tounge and voicebox, nose etc, you can practice it at any time! Mind you, my PC screen is getting covered in saliva... just imagine saying "P" without using your vocal cords... it gets it everywhere! lol.
Oh well, no video today, PC is playing up and buffering slowly. Sorry!
Today we took Mr Alan swimming! :O Shocking I know. I was teaching him the rude-aments of this amazing sport. He coped very well, was duly cautious about the strange things that I was asking him to do and kept focused on the task set before him even though a few tasks were obviously scaring him somewhat :P He's happy to go again (I think O.O) so the torture couldn't have been that effective.... must try harder next time! We played a good game of tag/tic and he took part in that very well. Maybe next time he'll feel up to diving at somebody... he seems quite happy doing it on land, but in water, oh no! You might hurt yourself falling on the water, concrete is such a different story ;-)
Bit upset that I couldn't manage more than four lengths without feeling puffed, really anoying considering I used to be able to do over a mile in half an hour :(
Did some more revision. I was laughing at the thought of what the Jamaican accent might sound like when they said "Deforestation"....
"De forest station" maybe :P Oh dear, I think I'm dying of overwork.... *Mum would kill me if I was serious lol*
Am thinking of trotting into Bangor on Saturday. Have become aquainted with a friend of the priciple cornet player in Beaumaris Youth Band so kinda want to go and see them. Also I've wanted to have a reason to ride into Bangor for a while, now I have an excuse!
I guess it's time for a video... I've seen SO many today that it's very hard to choose...
It's the 911 Maths homework plea for help!!
Hehehe, fake or not, the police man must have had a laugh!!
Mum had to take Grampy to the doctors to see about his badly crummy leg. Nice and easy, take him there, take him to get his perscription. A 30 minute job.... or so she thought.
They got to the doctors on time, received useful advice on exercises for Grampy and a prescription for some potant medicine blended together in the misty darkness of eastern Asia.... "Tally ho" they said merrily as they hopped into our lovely car to drive to lovely Morissons to get a lovely helpful perscription....... The car wouldn't start. So they phoned us back at the ranch to find out Mum's AA card number which had been left at home along with Mum's purse...
*Ring ring, ring ring* "Hello Jonathan Retallick speaking... Oh, ok, yes wait, I'll just get it.... *puts phone on hold* David, Mum's had a breakdown"
At this point I'm thinking to myself "Well thank the Lord it happened at the Doctors, there're many a worse place to have the gibbering wotsits, I knew she was overworking herself!" But of course in reality I just said, "WHAT!?!?!?!" And invisiged our poor car belching out smoke and other noxious gases.
So we told her the number on her card and wished her well on her epic trek to get the "Big van with the flashing lights" to come and save her.
----------One hour and 40 minutes later-------------
I was starting to wonder what was going on having not heard from Mum since the problem started. "Oh well," I thought cheerily, "I'll just phone her to see whats happening" I picked up the phone and dialed Mum's mobile number, I waited for two rings..... Behind me on the dining table Mum's mobile phone buzzed merrily..............
Mum was asked by the receptionist to tell off a man who had parked too close to her new car in the Doctors surgery. She was really miffed because she had to call a taxi in her lunch break and was worried her car could get dented or scratched...
While Mum was waiting for the stupid male parker to return the AA man came. He soon found the problem. Our badly designed fuel tank was running low on petrol (although not dangerously by any means) but because of the devilish slant on the car park it wasn't feeding through to the engine.
----------One quick tow later------------
Mum returned to the Surgery waiting room to apologise to the receptionist that she was going and the man who had parked his car so slobbily had still not returned. However just as she was leaving the car park he did come back, so she stopped and told him off. GO MUM :-)!!
So Mum and Grampy set off to Morrisons to get G's prescription order. As Grampy was walking to the pharmacy through the store to drop his perscription off, a man fell from the ceiling, landed on the floor and held up an arm from which blood was squirting from a slit in his wrist. A somewhat alarmed (I imagine) Grampy, told him to wait there while he got Dr Evans who he had just seen in the store a moment ago. Having found said Dr, Grampy told him, "There's a man in the pharmacy who has slit his wrist" and slightly (I imagine) confused, Dr Evans replied "Thats a funny thing to do."!!!!!! Grampy returned to the scene of the accident to find that the workman (so it turned out) was being nursed by the pharmacist who had made him put his arm above his head and was holding his arm tightly to cut the blood off. To Grampy's astonishment he was told that Dr Evans wouldn't be alowed to do anything anyway because he was only a GP.......... Stupid law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As all this was going on Mum was phoning us to tell us that, "We only have to get Grampy's prescription done and then I'll drop him off and we'll be home soon, are you all alright? Ok good, Loves you. Bye."
Shocking bad form to not know about the drama that was being enacted a few yards from her very location! We were so bored we could have done with a little bit of excitement!
They phoned for an ambulance and Grampy found Mum (who was doing some shopping) and they returned to the car.
Mum got back here and when we'd finished huggling her she said,
"You'll never guess what happened..............."
But don't worry, I will not repeat the whole story as she told it ;)
My fingers are running out of stamina right now so I shall just tell you that:
1: My violin lesson went well
2: Band went well this evening, passed with much hilarity on behalf of overtired musicians who were ready to laugh at anything at this stage in the day.
3: I'm blummin' tired so why am I writing this :P
Just incase you are feeling inquisitive...
The man that fell from the "sky" was some kind of workman in one shape or form, and the square panel in the ceiling had fallen on his arm whilst he had his head in the hole and cut him. I guess he jumped down in a kind of reflex action to get away from the "danger".
VIDEO! Just a shortish one today :)
Karate in slow motion. It's fantastic how the body deals with shock and pain!
Well, I'm giving Alan his first swimming lesson tomorrow, so I'll need to be feeling "able". Twill be easier if Alan behaves himself *cough cough*!
I went to the dentists this morning. The waiting room was being revamped and we didn't know, so, we had to wait in the doctors surgery full of old people coughing their heads off looking very much like they needed surgery and not just a refill of Acme Cough Curer 2000.... The disturbing thing was that my dental room had four wheels, a petrol tank, an ignition key and lord knows what other hideous conponants never usually found in a dentists typical "tooth extraction kit".... I mean, they tell you there's going to be a big blast of air, but they never shove an exaust into your pie hole and start picking around at your canines with a flipping ariel!!!
Anyway.. they had a mobile dentist unit and I had to sit in relitive uncomfort while he explained that I had "Three choices" Options, options I'm thinking to myself, A choice and three options! *Note to self, you do not have to have a GCSE in English to be a dentist*
I could either have a local anesthetic, a sedative (I told him thats what they usually gave me back at my cell) or a general: "Just in case you feel a bit nervous about feeling somthing" WTH!?! It's FOUR blinking teeth I'm going to have out! Not a leg amputation at the neck!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, people are so namby pamby these days. Needless to say I went for the first "Choice" *coughs violently*
"Ok," Says he, "It will be 8 weeks until we can take them out"...... -.- Seriously, with all the fuss that was being made I thought he'd hoik out the pliers there and then!
After much uninspiring revision we left for band. Mum was feeling to grim to go so she just dropped us off. *Splat*
Came home, had a little tiff with the family about band issues which was not very jolly, but probably the result of stressed, ill and tired people all coming together like a bunch of American schoolboys in an American football match after spending too long cooped up in the classroom....
Now I'm writing this to you good folk, who are probably not very interested. At least some of it will have brought a smile; and maybe in extreme cases a laugh that could be heard on the other side of the channel..... Qui?
It was such a close call today, it was one video, or another... so, I posted both :D
Epic wheelbarrow race, the move they did to change over was AWESOME!!!
AND: Can you beleive that we trust these guys with our nations security?!?! Ok, so their CEO probably framed them, but really! On basic training.... anyway, decide for yourself :)
And remember folks, stay alive and don't exceed the 30 mile an hour limit or you may just find yourselves crashing into a mobile dentists unit not being very mobile!
Anyway, yes.... Had a fantastic sermon from David F this morning, he preached very strongly about this "Multifaith" generation and how we shouldn't stand for it, and how in a world where there is no such thing as "Absolute truth" that we should stand up for truth and be a light in dark times. Very good :)
Went on my BMX with Jonny instead of walking. Met Mum and Philip at treborth and roamed around. Came back home.
Us kids didn't go to church in the evening but Mum had to because she was playing the Piano.
Mum's sunday school talk went really well and was recieved attentively by the kids who got really involved :)
Watched some Shrek 3 this evening and cooked our own tea. Mum was shocked and apparently this is a "Milestone in our lives" Blah blah blah :P!
Video! The free hugs campaign. Watched by over TWENTYFIVE MILLION people on youtube ALONE! It's an epic video, and shows how one person can make a huge difference, he even gets the police on his side, gets a petition when he's told to stop, overrides it, gets more people to help him hold the signs and in the end even has the cheek to give a cop a hug!
Played games on the computer and then went to my Grandma and Aunty's house. Had a great lunch with lots of laughter and Islamic singing (Rofl) and pootled off home.
Alan came and Mum, me and Alan went to the concert. Was very loud, I enjoyed it but the sound was terribly done, too loud for a dull acousting in a small hall and the singers mics were too quiet. We left in the "short break" because we didn't feel that we wanted to "Become part of a group praising God in..." Blah blah blah, not because we didn't feel very "Praisey" but I quivvered at the thought of AOG style praise!
Came back home and blew up *Boom* 100 bloons for Mum's Sunday school talk tomorrow morning. They're going to represent the lost sheep parable. :)
Video! Breathe into me by RED. Christian rock/metal. Great words, fantastic video by a fan of Pirates of the Curriedbeans and RED. Video matches so well. Unfortunatly it dosnt finish the song but all he does is howl "BREATHE!!!!" and it stops :P
For the benifit of my Aunt's health I am giving her the link to funny cat pictures.
Well anyway, They came, they saw, the didn't lower the rent. More to the point, they didn't raise it either! Apparently I must beg forgiveness for my "facist" comment posted yesterday. On contemplation I have come to realise that they must be related to the Rothchilds. They're going to America/Canada for 81, YES, EIGHTY ONE, days on different Trains. They're going to LA, San Fran. , Chigago, the Rockies.... pfft, life is just so weird. They came and talked about the house for about 5 minutes, and then busted off on a long winded explination about how good it's all going to be, what trains their going to get, what star hotels they're going in, how much it all cost them.... all of 1060 quid JUST for the train passes, much more for accomodation, food and the like.
Wot? Course I'm not jealous!
In other news....
Went to youth club tonight. Tom introduced us to a game he'd been taught which involved large quantities of shouting the words "Big booty! big booty, big booty, biiiig bootaay!" Which was hilarious fun and means I have completely lost my voice! I wowed everyone with my card tricks which was fun :D
Mum's gone to Alans for a bit tonight to have a chat. He's just come back from London on a visit to see his daughter Sarah, who isn't a Christian which has been the cause of much prayer over the years. She backslid a while back but he's had very good talks with her whilst he was down there with her so we're still praying that good things will come from that.
Video time!!
Hallelujah by Paramore
Gosh, such a good song, and all footage is from live performances. If I could see any band live, it would be them. They canceled their UK tour for their new Al's bum, RIOT, and the tickets were clean sold out for the performance in Manchester and the ebay tickets were hitting 50-60 pounds! Thats how good they are when live :D I'm hoping that when they come to the UK to complete their tour, they will come somewhere nearer my area, or have another venue.
Anyway, not much to be interested in today, not many funnies from me.... I'm so sowwy :(
Couple of good jokes for you :P
One night, a father passed by his son's room and heard his son praying: "God bless Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma. Ta ta, Grandpa."
The father didn't quite know what this meant, but was glad his son was praying. The next morning, they found Grandpa dead on the floor of a heart attack. The father reassured himself that it was just a coincidence, but was still a bit spooked.
The next night, he heard his son praying again: "God bless Mommy and Daddy. Ta ta, Grandma."
The father was worried, but decided to wait until morning. Sure enough, the next morning Grandma was on the floor, dead of a heart attack.
Really scared now, the father decided to wait outside his son's door the next night. And sure enough, the boy started to pray: "God bless Mommy. Ta ta, Daddy."
Now the father was so scared he practically soiled himself. He stayed up all night, and went to the doctor's early the next day to make sure his health was fine. When he finally came home, his wife was waiting on the porch. She said, "Thank God you're here -- we could really use your help! We found milkman dead on our porch this morning!"
No 2:
A NIGHT IN THE ASYLUM Late one night at the insane asylum one inmate shouted, "I am Napoleon!" Another one said, "How do you know?" The first inmate said, "God told me!" Just then, a voice from another room shouted, "I did not!"
Having got your attention I shall now begin to..... ooo shiny! Where was I? Oh yes, I shall begin to tell you about how horrificly stressing today hath bin.
We got up,
Got dressed,
Ate brekkie,
Did revision (No surprises there!),
Eated lunch,
Went to a performace with four hands, yes four, I thought it was going to be half an octopuss playing the piano, but alas it was only two people doing a peice together.
Came home,
Did more revision,
Helped tidy the garden with Grampy,
More tidying,
Broke the computer,
.....YES BROKE IT!!! BROKE MUM'S COMPUTER.... woop de do, was totally like, kinda like wotsit, you know, kaputt. But with a million tons of praying to the good Lord Jesus and a certain amount of bravado and willy-nilly-ness that any true American would have been proud of, we managed to fix said computer by System Restoring it. Seriously.... Anything would need restoring after us kicking it and lobbing large portions of Old Mc Donalds deep phat fried salt infested juvanile delinquents at it. :( Jus' coz I can't spell Jewintheisle.
Anyway, you can see that I'm really traumatised by the fact that it was me that did it, and it was a complete and understandable accident, which is probably the only reason that I'm still alive!
*breaths in deeply and inhales a fly*
Moving on to better things... I have a splinter in my finger. Yes, terrible I know.
I think I may have to go to rehab or somthing, I'm worried that we might all bust up before the Slaters come, they're such fascists, why can't they just leave us alone? At the end of our ordeal of tiding they'll probably only want to put the rent up 50 quid. I mean, with house prices going down like they are it should be them coming to us on their knees with sackcloth and ashes upon their heads... Mum wouldn't appreciate that one bit come to think of it... would mess up the newly hoovered carpet :D
ROFL, LMAO, PMSL, LOL!! Grampy just trotted out of the house with a cheery "Goodbye", slammed the door, and the instant that happened all hell broke loose with a massive hailstorm that lasted about 50 seconds! Whilst I was laughing my proverbial socks off at this weirdness of nature Mum decided to tell me that my shoes were still outside which wiped my Cheshire grin off with one swipe. Anyway, it's all Grampys fault, Dad always said that if you slam the door to hard it's bound to bring the roof down!!
Ohhhh dear, life's so crazy.
Found this epic fail of a video today....
..Stupid Americans :P
You know, I didn't ask anyone permission to post on this blog. I think I should file a notification to the EU about it, just incase they feel the need to edit it make it more PC (plod).
Oh yes, just incase you were wondering what was played at the concert this arvo:
3 Peices by Welsh composers.... I should perhaps say, Decomposers.... come to think of it, one of them was dead... ^^
And a nice famousish peice called... Dolly Suite, yes well done, now you've made the connection with the picture at the top! Omg, for those of you who scrolled up to check the picture please, get a memory!
Alright, I'd better get going and do some violin practice, one flat I think the peice is.... very appropriate actually as Jonny punctured his tire the otherday... Also flat a bit like my previous jokes..
ANYWAY!!!!!!!!! Tally ho and..... tooooooodle pips! Byyyeeeee :)
Last night I was busy bending my brain to try and solve a hugely complex problem. I have enough info to crack it this morning though :)
Yesterday was normal, more revision and then Jonny left for Bible Club at 5:45 and I stayed to help Grampy clear the garden because we have an inspection from the Landlords tomorrow. O.O
Going to a gig at AOG on Saturday!! Can't wait. Taking Alan as well. Maybe ya'll have read about it in the papers? It's headed by Valley UK, (Not that well known....Yet <--- Theirspace.)and I'm listening to their music now. Although it's not quite got the Xtra factor thats needed to grab my interest, it's good christian music, so I guess that counts :P
Going to a concert this afternoon as well actually,but that's classical with Ensemble Cymru :P.
Watched an awesome Mr Bean video. He was performing live and it's so good that the video got onto "Thebestofyoutube" so I downloaded it from their podcast :)
^ Slow to start but it gets amazing ^ (And their's an invisible cat ;) )
Well, better get on some games or I won't be able to focus on my work :P
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Hey blog!
Well, today kicked off with a bang, or rather, a crack as Jonny nearly broke my neck whilst wrestling semi-naked while we were changing just before work.... totally cool that kid, don't tell him though ;)
Later on I was working at my revision and Jonny ran up behind me as I was engrossed in a song (I'll enbed in a few sentances) and my work, and shoved a wet paint brush down the back of my neck. To me it felt like a deluge of water because I hadn't realised what he was using so I was furious, I flung my headphones and geography book across the room and persued the fleeing little monster into the kitchen, where I was met by Mum, who, standing with arms stretched out, laughingly (and slightly confusedly) attempted to prevent me getting to my renagade brother,who by this time was hiding behind a stool. I pushed past, and, grabbing him by the shirt, thrust his still laughing head underneath the kitchen tap and turned a near monsoon deluge of cold water on his head. I pulled him out and the little begger was still laughing!.........By this time Mum was too :)
Gotta laugh aintcha!
I had my violin lesson today (Yes Blog, I take lessons, THE SHAME!) but it was ever so slightly different (Slightly = Massively) because Hannah was having some time with Margret (My teacher) to go over the rudaments of Viola playing. Anyway, as it panned out it took 1 hour and 10 minutes for Hannah's "little" session to end and I was left with the last 6 minutes. But hey, she learnt a lot and I kinda imagined that it would be like that anyway. I sight-read and ran through one of my grade 3 peices so that I could practice it more easily at home.
After a little break and some more revision we left for band. Pretty uneventful I must say, but nevertheless we got some good playing done dispite a few shouts from Paul. WHAT AM I THINKING?! Somthing did happen. Hannah Hughes came to Youth band for the first time, and she'd dyed her hair purple!! Woot, it look awseome, so I pulled my hair and gave her thumbs up which made her smile :P
Anyways, The song I was so engrossed in is by Avril Lavigne who, by most decent people's opinion, has gone down in standard in recent months. Anyway, the beauty of it is we can still enjoy her more innocent behaviour and great lyrics even after she's changed!
Not sure I agree with the slightly anarchic feel but, I guess at the end of the day, it's just a set :P The lyrics are meaningful.... maybe she should take her own advice at this stage in her life!
Well, today was the beginnings of a good week if I do say so myself! I did some Biology revision, and, not having time to finish Geography revision as well, did my Geog in the bandroom whilst the others we having beginner band.
Hannah is continuing to teach two girls who are new to their instruments and the band, but today she found the elder of the two had improved hugely over the holiday because she overheard her friends Mum explaining that,
"If you practice for an hour a day every evening you will become brillient"
So the little keen bean went and did just that! So, the short and the long of it is, that she wanted me to teach the younger girl who (Not surprisingly) was lagging behind a bit. .....So I did :)
When Mum came out from the Beginners she saw some work, a folder, a workbook, a pen and a packet of crisps on a table and thought "Someone's being resourceful!" she'd forgotten I was doing my work there ;)
Earlier in the day our peaceful working was broken by Jonny who screamed, "MY WORM COLLECTION!!!" The whole family (Slightly bemused by the fact that he had a worm collection at all) rushed over to the window shouting,
"What's happened to it?!"
"They're being eaten by a flipping BLACKBIRD!....NO MUM, MUM!! STOP IT TAKING THEM!!!!"
...We had to console him as the keen eyed blackbird filled it's beak with a veritable heap of wriggling worms, that had previously been stashed in a container in a patch of earth, and flitting onto the next door's fence, he took off with a wobbly flight pattern as he was slightly Crainium heavy....
Anyway, to Jonny's credit he didn't cry, he just resented the blackbird stealing worms that Jonny had taken ages to find. Bless :)
I've learnt two new words today! The first was:
Sphygmomanometer - Device that measures the blood pressure in your arm.
And I thought this was hard to say, but no, Hannah had to prove me wrong as she trotted downstairs with:
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.... O.O
..Which was written on a peice of paper about 30 miles long. I mean really! It's almost as pityable as the word "Lisp"!!
Nick Mance my 2nd cousin sent me an amazing video today, apart from being really funny, it showed of some amazing beatboxing skills. Give it a watch :) With any luck it should be enbedded beneath!
Well I'm finding this blog thing very fullfilling even after the first two days. I hope I can keep it up!!
Exceeding all possible expectations I acctually managed to enjoy this mornings sermon. It was on Joshua 11 and was talking about the battles Moses and Joshua fought against all the Kings.
He also talked about Hannible and his battle formations and how he killed 70,000 Roman foot soldiers in a space only two miles square!.....Messy.
Jonny made us all laugh on the walk when he told Philip that one of the highlights of our holiday was going to a, "Mens occupation shop" and, bemused at the ensuing roar of laughter, Jonny managed not to shead any tears as we explained to Philip that he meant the large Langleys toyshop in the centre of Norwich. Bless :)
Back to work tomorrow :( Can't beleive it, oh well, I guess I've got exams in 5 weeks so I'd better swot really hard in the time I have.
Well, On the amazing success of my Aunt at making one of these a great read and hilarity in the form of Comic Sans (Pun intended) I decided to copy her cat and get one myself!