Hey Blog, yeah, I'm sorry :(
Last night I was busy bending my brain to try and solve a hugely complex problem. I have enough info to crack it this morning though :)
Yesterday was normal, more revision and then Jonny left for Bible Club at 5:45 and I stayed to help Grampy clear the garden because we have an inspection from the Landlords tomorrow. O.O
Going to a gig at AOG on Saturday!! Can't wait. Taking Alan as well. Maybe ya'll have read about it in the papers? It's headed by Valley UK, (Not that well known....Yet http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=160202426 <--- Theirspace.)and I'm listening to their music now. Although it's not quite got the Xtra factor thats needed to grab my interest, it's good christian music, so I guess that counts :P
Going to a concert this afternoon as well actually,but that's classical with Ensemble Cymru :P.
Watched an awesome Mr Bean video. He was performing live and it's so good that the video got onto "Thebestofyoutube" so I downloaded it from their podcast :)
^ Slow to start but it gets amazing ^ (And their's an invisible cat ;) )
Well, better get on some games or I won't be able to focus on my work :P
Sorry you cracked your head, must be eggs krooshiating! Have heard about Valley UK from the chronicle, can't believe you're actually going to AOG!!!! Mr Bean vidoe came to grinding halt after a minute, buffer wouldn't move at all grrrrrr!!! Anyway have seen it before on telly. VG tick gold star ;)
Chow X
Blahh, nvm about the vid.
Lol, yesh we're going, bit crazy but nvm! It's hosted there so whatcanya do :P
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