G'evenin' all!
Today was a mild start with an East wind blowing in from Hannah's bedroom and a typhoon emerging from the depths of my Mother's room when she explained that there was no internet access this morning! ARGGGHHHHhhhhh.
Anyways, the problem was resolved with a little bit of DIY turning off (and on again) of PC's :P
"That's stupid, can't possibly make a difference" Quote Grampy, dated - just about any time when we say it fixes the most impossible things!
We went to Alan's church as planned this morning. I was so tired I didn't really get the full benifit of his preaching. At least I remember it was on Psalm 117 "A little gem" as he discribed it. Certainly the most sense I've ever heard coming from a two versed chapter, and the most preaching on two verses as well!
Very groovy.
Alan very kindly invited us to have a pizza with him after the service. I'm soooooo his friend for life. Two 12 inches between four! Yeah baby!
So, I'm contemplating being extra nice to him for always, and making sure that we only drown him slightly on Wednesday. :D
I talked to Sion today (my mate who knows Lizzy) and we've decided we might pop into Bangor on the bus next Saturday.... So yeah, it's a group blind date now. Shocking these 21st century ideas! Mwheheheheeeeee
I didn't go to church in the evening, Mum did, us kiddie winkles stayed at home and watched the end of Br8kfast at Tiffany's (oh we are so unholy) and the beginning of Pirates of the Curriedbeans(3)for the umpteenth time. The thing that strikes me about the potc films is that you find a new phrase or utterance every time!
Quote - Hector Barbossa "It's not getting to the land of the dead that is the problem; it's getting back." Unquote
Such an awesome line! Really fantastic how they come up with these things.
I'm searching for a decent 2gb MP3 player. I missed a massive bargin on ebay which I'm slightly cheesed off about, but I had about 1 minute and 42 seconds in which to procure this item before the time ran out. Pfft >.<
Played some Counter Strike with Steffan this evening. Owned some more Zombies :D.
We ran around with a group of other people who were all armed to the teeth. We chose to have a relatively light armament each. 'twas as follows:
Mini Uzi x 1 (four clips of ammo), Grenade x 1, Desert Eagle pistol x 1 (5 magazines of ammo) and a knife. We split off from the rest of the group and, quite simply and with cool calculating countenances (what a great line) obliterated about 34 zombies in about 15 minutes. So hardcore :D

Beatboxing stalled for today. I've only progressed so far as being able to do faster beats.... still VERY simple though. Annoying the b-wotsit out of everyone... what's changed?
So yesh, that's about it really for today. Tomorrow is the two lower bands, I expect I'll be teaching one of Hannah's little prototypes... (sorry?) ah, protégé (Thank you darling) Yes anyway, my secretary, she's invaluble..... that's why I don't pay her.
ANYWAAYYYY, moving swiftly onwards in a singing style (cantabilé) I shall produce a video from my little collection...
An Engineers guide to......cats
Fantasticly funny video, very simple, but with some laugh out loud moments. It's 7 minutes long so sit back, relax and watch the fur covered spanners fly!
LOL "Toona iz like, cocaineee for kitties" Crazy dudes.
Time for bed said Zebadee!
EDIT: What a cheery long blog I wrote this evening. I'm so impressed!
*vanishes into the night*
*crashes into the back of the stage set*
Very much appreciated cheery long blog, it tickled my gloomy bits.
Lurved cat video :) Learnt some useful tips, although employing corporal cuddling with you know who could lead to a trip to Ysbyty Gwynedd !!
Hi Voolfy,
Thank you for your kind words, which are much appreciated. As is the promise for only slight drowning on Wednesday. Phew!! What a relief.
I enjoyed the pizza too. It was fun to be with you guys.
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