<-- Not Alan <
Today we took Mr Alan swimming! :O Shocking I know. I was teaching him the
rude-aments of this amazing sport. He coped very well, was duly cautious about the strange things that I was asking him to do and kept focused on the task set before him even though a few tasks were obviously scaring him somewhat :P
He's happy to go again (I think O.O) so the torture couldn't have been that effective.... must try harder next time!
We played a good game of tag/tic and he took part in that very well. Maybe next time he'll feel up to diving at somebody... he seems quite happy doing it on land, but in water, oh no! You might hurt yourself falling on the water, concrete is such a different story ;-)
Bit upset that I couldn't manage more than four lengths without feeling puffed, really anoying considering I used to be able to do over a mile in half an hour :(
Did some more revision. I was laughing at the thought of what the Jamaican accent might sound like when they said "Deforestation"....
"De forest station" maybe :P Oh dear, I think I'm dying of overwork.... *Mum would kill me if I was serious lol*
Am thinking of trotting into Bangor on Saturday. Have become aquainted with a friend of the priciple cornet player in Beaumaris Youth Band so kinda want to go and see them. Also I've wanted to have a reason to ride into Bangor for a while, now I have an excuse!
I guess it's time for a video... I've seen SO many today that it's very hard to choose...
It's the 911 Maths homework plea for help!!
Hehehe, fake or not, the police man must have had a laugh!!
Oh well, tally ho!
I'm hitting the straw :P
Hi Voolfy,
The swimming training was so terrifying that I quite forgot that I was going to extract all your teeth by hand - just to make sure I got the four dodgy ones - you understand!
Oh well, I suppose we can do it next week.
Tig; tag; gooooooooooo! Oh no!
Thanks for everything.
Reason to go into Bangor????!!! hope you've had your shots ;) Enjoy your trip to the fleshpots. Cx
Hehe, That was the intention Alan :P I secretly hypnotised you so that you forgot all your evil plans towards me :D
Reason for the season liiike ya'll know no?
Oh I will, enjoy your weekend in the country, mucking out stables and feeding pig swill to eh, pigs...
I'm sure I'll come round to c you with the others as well :)
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