Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Mid-day post!

Bloomin' bolshuvicks (:D)

If ya'll can read my blog better now then good.

......I was receiving hundreds of emails from outraged people with crummy eyesight complaining about the font colour on a black background.

War out!



CATachresis said...

thought the red was better ;) really doesn't matter what colour it is, it's still cooldudespeak which some of us are too ancient to learn (:>)XX

TheRealSuperAl said...

D, my man, I don't care what the others say, I think you're OK. Taking pity on an old chaps eyes. Reducing the strain. Minimising the headache potential. What a star!

Swimming tomorrow; Ironman on Saturday; Cookies in the morning - life doesn't get much better than that, in my humble opinion.

Keep taking the tablets!


David said...

We're all so hilarous... I dunno, to do with us. To do or not to do!

Cookies? Who said cookies?
*Runs around franticly chasing his builders bum and looking for a cookie to munch on*