Tuesday, 22 April 2008

No time to say hello, goodbye!

Can't write a proper blog tonight. Too tired :)

Band went well this evening, lots of jokes flying around. Paul (the -lightning- conductor) won't be teaching us for three weeks so we get a reprieve! We still have to be conducted by Fred though. The lesser of two evils ;-)

Alan is having his second anti-drowning lesson with me tomorrow. I think he might have his first beatbox lesson too!

Video of the day....

Chain surfing, awesome balance skills. Big credit 2 the dude who did this!


Hope all is well with you guys 'n' gals, whoever you are!

Plenty of peace


1 comment:

TheRealSuperAl said...

Hey Wolfman,

Just looked & realised I didn't leave a comment. Sorry, I really meant too.

Blogging is such an exhausting activity - eh? Tires you out? And here was me thinking it was just sitting at the computer making it up. You mean, you actually have to go out & do that stuff that you write about? I'll have to try it sometime.

Keep up the good stuff.

Peace; peas; or pieces.
