Yes'm, the words most hygenic cat for ya'll!
I went to the dentists this morning. The waiting room was being revamped and we didn't know, so, we had to wait in the doctors surgery full of old people coughing their heads off looking very much like they needed surgery and not just a refill of Acme Cough Curer 2000....
The disturbing thing was that my dental room had four wheels, a petrol tank, an ignition key and lord knows what other hideous conponants never usually found in a dentists typical "tooth extraction kit".... I mean, they tell you there's going to be a big blast of air, but they never shove an exaust into your pie hole and start picking around at your canines with a flipping ariel!!!
Anyway.. they had a mobile dentist unit and I had to sit in relitive uncomfort while he explained that I had "Three choices"
Options, options I'm thinking to myself, A choice and three options! *Note to self, you do not have to have a GCSE in English to be a dentist*
I could either have a local anesthetic, a sedative (I told him thats what they usually gave me back at my cell) or a general: "Just in case you feel a bit nervous about feeling somthing" WTH!?! It's FOUR blinking teeth I'm going to have out! Not a leg amputation at the neck!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, people are so namby pamby these days.
Needless to say I went for the first "Choice" *coughs violently*
"Ok," Says he, "It will be 8 weeks until we can take them out"...... -.- Seriously, with all the fuss that was being made I thought he'd hoik out the pliers there and then!
After much uninspiring revision we left for band. Mum was feeling to grim to go so she just dropped us off. *Splat*
Came home, had a little tiff with the family about band issues which was not very jolly, but probably the result of stressed, ill and tired people all coming together like a bunch of American schoolboys in an American football match after spending too long cooped up in the classroom....
Now I'm writing this to you good folk, who are probably not very interested. At least some of it will have brought a smile; and maybe in extreme cases a laugh that could be heard on the other side of the channel..... Qui?
It was such a close call today, it was one video, or another... so, I posted both :D
Epic wheelbarrow race, the move they did to change over was AWESOME!!!
AND: Can you beleive that we trust these guys with our nations security?!?! Ok, so their CEO probably framed them, but really! On basic training.... anyway, decide for yourself :)
And remember folks, stay alive and don't exceed the 30 mile an hour limit or you may just find yourselves crashing into a mobile dentists unit not being very mobile!
Over and out.
Ok! here's the thing. I have pliers :>)
first video buffers
second video duffers
chow 4 now
PS great stuff. You made it live. I was there (no really, I was there. Third old lady from the left in the gaberdene coat, bobble hat and trolly!)
Which dentist? or should that be Witch doctor?
I have pliers too (& a large rubber mallet). Will bring them on Wednesday. More fun than swimming?
Lol at everyone's comments :P
Tis good to know that the general populace of Wales are so handy with their DIY as to all have such lovely tools.... but really, I'd prefer to have 20,000 injections and then a nice smiley man knock it out, rather than a small hairy dwarf and a tall hairless relative come and blugeon me and fall about pulling all the wrong pegs out!
Yeah, I noticed you Aunty, you were the old incontanent person, you got run over walking home with you little two wheeled trolly.... I'm so sorry, I send my condolences!
I need a brain refit ^^
small hairy dwarves and tall hairless relatives across the world are having a collective hissy fit at being thwarted in this way!
Ah, well, I'm sure it's not good for your blood pressure so I advice you to take a chill pill!
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