Today has been like, sooooo totally awesome man, dude, woman... FOOL!
I've played the grand total of 40 minutes of game today, I'm sooo chuffed... I did all my hard work before Alan came at approx 1:15.
We set off for swimming after being fueled up by Mum's culinary skills, curried baked beans to propel us through the water with extra vigour and other things which I can't think of right now.
To be quite honest, Alan was a-mazing, he was the leg-end of the year, he was supercallifragilespazticemailsandexplodingthesis. He overcame his fear of plunging his face into the water, dispite moaning about it ruining his hairstyle *cough*
He kicked to the side, he kicked to the middle.... he was almost as amazing as Jackie Chan on prozac!
He did such a good job that I think I shall skip my carefully prepared *sniggers* lesson no. 3 and go straight on to lesson no. 127; do not pass go, do not collect $100.
After we got back from our strenuous exeesizez I charged at my computer and hugged it round the CPU until I felt better. Then I logged into a voice chat room on a server that has been rented/bought by beatbox.be forums and to my happiness I found a guy from Russia, a kid from Hungary and a dude my age from (no you didn't guess it) Bristol! He was very helpful and encouraging, and the whole cart-loads of people that came and went in the following 2 and a half hours (yes you heard it) were just as fun to beat with. Some of them were so hardcore, few of them were professional DJ's. I was really stoked to say the least.
But.....BUT, that is nothing compare to the amazing realisation that the man who has the most famous and useful tutorials in the world for beatboxing, is a Christian AND was an assistant pastor no less, and is now outreach director for his church in Bath. His name is Gavin Tyte, aka, TyTe.
I looked him up on the internet for a more personal side of him. He has a Facebook account (as do I) and so I hopelessly requested to add him as friend. I also sent an email explaining who I was and that I was also a Christian.
Whats that? Excited? Not me! ;-) ;-)
Got my first geography exam paper done this evening and then sat down with a nice hefty big tea to watch the beginning of the new episode of Foyles war. So epic, I wish that Papa and I could have watched it together. Would have been fun, like it is when Grampy knows bits about what it was really like.
Video right beloowwwww...
This guy was fed up of pigeons dumping in his pool (the one to the left hand side) so he bought a motion sensor water hose/sprinkler. The results are below ;)
Some of the comments on this video are hilarious, for example:
"I wonder if one could implement this device in ones porch to scare off marauding Jehovah's Whitnesses" !!!
I'd better go right NOW, it's 11:30 >.< I'm so retarded :D
Love you all (but some more than others ;D ).
Stay cool,
Lesson 127 - is that the one where you dive from the 30 metre board into 3" of water, while beatboxing - & whistling "God Save the Queen"? Too easy man! Let's go straight to 130, OK!?
How, also, amazingly incredible that your true beatbox hero is a Christian pastor. They get everywhere. Now, how do you do that closed high-hat sound again?
Well woolfy, thanks for all your support, encouragement, etc.
See you soon.
Keep the faith.
am still removing saliver from Austin from your last visit, but hey! what's a minging moggie when fame beckons? ;)
"Jackie Chan on prozac" rotflols all round :>)
lolled @ video, think small!
Always think of Papa when Foyles War comes on, haven't watched it yet
Ok will do Al ;)
LOL! Poor Austintatious, he'd better get his anti-human allergy suit on for next time ;)
Yeah, think uber small, coz I can't do anything else small!
So do I :'( It's a really good one, Grampy has watched it lots.
Well, as the anaethetist said to the golfer, I'm rather new to this.. But I DO know how to spell Jehovah's Witlesses - sorry, Witnesses, & it is not with an Aitch! It is with a sigghhhhh....[And slug pellets do not deter them, either]. [Try John 1 v 1 in the Greek original!]
Nor a closed HighHat, which would have transformed Beathoover, had Old Deafo but known such paradiddles.
How strange that old Canis lupus should have produced both Dingos & Red Setters - thanks orfully!
God bless yall
Mehehehehe, You do make me chuckle.
Glad you could get your brain cell around the anonymous thingumy wotsit.
Canis Lupus duth rock indeedyeth
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