Played games on the computer and then went to my Grandma and Aunty's house. Had a great lunch with lots of laughter and Islamic singing (Rofl) and pootled off home.
Alan came and Mum, me and Alan went to the concert. Was very loud, I enjoyed it but the sound was terribly done, too loud for a dull acousting in a small hall and the singers mics were too quiet.
We left in the "short break" because we didn't feel that we wanted to "Become part of a group praising God in..." Blah blah blah, not because we didn't feel very "Praisey" but I quivvered at the thought of AOG style praise!
Came back home and blew up *Boom* 100 bloons for Mum's Sunday school talk tomorrow morning. They're going to represent the lost sheep parable. :)
Video! Breathe into me by RED. Christian rock/metal.
Great words, fantastic video by a fan of Pirates of the Curriedbeans and RED. Video matches so well. Unfortunatly it dosnt finish the song but all he does is howl "BREATHE!!!!" and it stops :P
For the benifit of my Aunt's health I am giving her the link to funny cat pictures.
ENTER AT YOUS OWN PERILSIZ. http://www.lolcats.com
Oh well, signing off!
ta for lolcats :) my health is restored!!
Glad you enjoyed AOG aaaargh!
Still can't get video to work boo hoo.
btw thanks for help with home page, but have decided to take all pics off and fill it with the links I'm using, now I know how to do it lol. Looks great!!
Aww poops
Ok, awesome, well it's yours anyway! At least it works :P
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