Hey blog!
Well, today kicked off with a bang, or rather, a crack as Jonny nearly broke my neck whilst wrestling semi-naked while we were changing just before work.... totally cool that kid, don't tell him though ;)
Later on I was working at my revision and Jonny ran up behind me as I was engrossed in a song (I'll enbed in a few sentances) and my work, and shoved a wet paint brush down the back of my neck.
To me it felt like a deluge of water because I hadn't realised what he was using so I was furious, I flung my headphones and geography book across the room and persued the fleeing little monster into the kitchen, where I was met by Mum, who, standing with arms stretched out, laughingly (and slightly confusedly) attempted to prevent me getting to my renagade brother,who by this time was hiding behind a stool.
I pushed past, and, grabbing him by the shirt, thrust his still laughing head underneath the kitchen tap and turned a near monsoon deluge of cold water on his head.
I pulled him out and the little begger was still laughing!.........By this time Mum was too :)
Gotta laugh aintcha!
I had my violin lesson today (Yes Blog, I take lessons, THE SHAME!) but it was ever so slightly different (Slightly = Massively) because Hannah was having some time with Margret (My teacher) to go over the rudaments of Viola playing. Anyway, as it panned out it took 1 hour and 10 minutes for Hannah's "little" session to end and I was left with the last 6 minutes. But hey, she learnt a lot and I kinda imagined that it would be like that anyway.
I sight-read and ran through one of my grade 3 peices so that I could practice it more easily at home.
After a little break and some more revision we left for band.
Pretty uneventful I must say, but nevertheless we got some good playing done dispite a few shouts from Paul.
WHAT AM I THINKING?! Somthing did happen. Hannah Hughes came to Youth band for the first time, and she'd dyed her hair purple!! Woot, it look awseome, so I pulled my hair and gave her thumbs up which made her smile :P
Anyways, The song I was so engrossed in is by Avril Lavigne who, by most decent people's opinion, has gone down in standard in recent months. Anyway, the beauty of it is we can still enjoy her more innocent behaviour and great lyrics even after she's changed!
Not sure I agree with the slightly anarchic feel but, I guess at the end of the day, it's just a set :P The lyrics are meaningful.... maybe she should take her own advice at this stage in her life!
Better hit the straw now!
Goed nicht!
So just a normal day in the life of Pogey and friends! LOL You paint such a picture. Good on Hannah staging a military coup on the violin lessons. Mrs Thatcher mk 2 or wot?
I prefer the, "What" :)
You never comment on the videos you big hairy meanie!
I've never heard of Avril lathingy I'm sure she's good to her muvver, but I lurved the beat box guy :)
I AM NOT HAIRY sob sniff (:<(( - well just a bit... ..... .
:P Yeah she is actually, very good to her.
I'm sorry, you're nice and non hairy with hair in the right place.... Unlike me, it's growing all over my face ^^
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