Evenin' all...
Today has been slightly odd, yes like me.
I got up and played a few minutes of game, then practiced some beats and watched a few more tutorials.
Had brekkie and got to work a bit too late. Finished all the vocab for the geography GCSE level. Chuffed eversoslightly...
Physics at 2:45 (slightly late) suceeded in surviving.... always a good plan :D
Got back in, had some passport photos taken at a booth (lovely word that, booooothhhh) for the exam papers, I decided that when they check it with my fizzog, I shall screw my face up and drop my jaw down and let my tounge hang out, just for pre-exam kicks :-)
Had a little beatbox with some people from Hungary, Russia, Kasakstan, France, Germany, America and....... Bristol again ;-)
Good fun.
Mum was taking Grampy to pick his car up because it was having stuff done to the brakes, and while she was gone Jonny came in, the convo was as follows...
"Hey Jon"
As he said this he turned his head and I saw a huge gash down from his temple (?) to his jaw..
"What the hec happened to you!?"
And as he said this he burst into tears,
"..I got beaten up by Nathan 'bog-eyes'"
"Joe tripped him up with his hand over Bog-eyes eyes and Joe blamed me"
What was I supposed to do?! Poor little chap with blood and tears streaming down his face, totally composed apart from his blubbering and standing there with clenched fists and white knuckles. I'll tell you what I did, I did what any abnormal person would...
"Where'd he hit you?"
"He tripped me up, and I fell with my arms twisted behind me, he then kicked me in the side of my head a few times, *sniff* jumped on me with plasti-stud football boots and punched me in my face"
I was flaming mad by this time, so I said,
"Lets flippin' go, no one does this to you and gets off scot free"
I put my shoes on and stormed out of the house leaving Jonny with Hannah. Just as I left our gate who should come trotting along the pavement but a very cocky little Nathan bogface, who was swaggering so much that if he wasn't so short he'd have been turning sumasaults.
"NATHAN" I shouted,
Meanwhile Nathan froze and went a funny shade of white. I learned afterwards that I'm talked about a lot by Jonny and his mates, and although I know him, he doesn't know who I am, only that I exist = INSTANT ADVANTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!
"It wasn't me,"
"Oh Really....."
"N-no, he started it"
"You're not the one that's all beat up... Jonny? Did you start on him
"There we go Nath, all I need is my brothers word, if this happens again, I will be straight round to your house and talking to your Mum in an instant. I know where you live so don't think I won't."
"Ok, I'm sorry, I wont..."
"Good man, I'm not gonna take it out on you now ok? You can see that.. but if it happens again you'll know about it."
*I turn around and close the gate, Nathan sulks off looking very deflated*
Cheeky begger, he's so stupid... HA, he picked on the ONE person who NEVER bullies him... he should write a book, "How to make enemies and cheese people off" By Nathan Thingumy wotsit. Written for him by his Mum, because he can't spell "enemies", which comes up a lot in the book.
Anyway, I felt quite proud of myself, Jonny handled it well considering, and when Mum came back 2 minutes later (twas only a short outing) he was feeling a bit more positive... like, "David owns all these newbs..." and "I didn't die, so that's good!"
Video time!
"The Iron Man" trailer, coming out on May the 2nd. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! Looks so epic.
The music in this trailer's ace too, 'specially the beginning "rock" beat.
Well well, I'll cya'll soon!!
Piles of peace -.-
Hope Jonny's ok?!! Also hope Nathan Thingy hasn't got a brother the size of a house with his IQ in his fists :¬/
Goodonya !! XXX
Hi Voolfy,
I'm impressed. Very impressed. Very, very impressed. I couldn't have done better myself. How did you manage, in the face of such provocation, not to cause injury? You are the man; the main man. Let me shake your hand, firmly.
How is Jonny tonight? Hope he is OK. No doubt shaken up, but, hopefully, no lasting injury. Another hero.
BTW - can I come & see Ironman with you. I've seen the trailer at the cinema, & was hoping I could find some unsuspecting person(s) to see it with.
Peace & blessings
Thanks Aunty :) He's ok, I don't think he got KO'ed, he was just very disorientated and dazed after Nathan "got off" him.
Flip, I never thought of that.... Lucky Jonny has a brother the size of a small skyscraper with his IQ in the right place and Persuasion and Reason in his left and right ;)
Hehehe :D
It was really hard, seriously hard. I if he had run away, I'd have taken him down, I was so angry, but since he didn't run, I just stayed about 7 meters from him and talked. If it had been any other situation he would have lied and run and all that jazz, but since he was on his own at that point he was feeling kinda scared I reckon.
Jonny's ok, he's sleeping in late I think, probably best.
SURE! I mean, It would probably be just me, or maybe Jonny as well, not Mum's or Hannah's type of film really... When were you thinking of going to see it? It's out May 2nd init......
Hi Voolfy,
Sounds like you are not suffering any adverse psychological effects following last night's adventures. Good!
Hope Jonny is not suffering any after-effects, either.
Re: Ironman - we could have a boys night out, if the young ladies don't want to come. Perhaps, they can do more surprising things with nails - like hammering them into the door frame so we can't get back in!? We can discuss dates, timings, etc when I am there on Saturday.
See you soon.
Keep up the good work.
Suprising? Thats normal! lol
Right on boss :)
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