Evenin' all!
Well yes, I did get up this morning!
Mum had to take Grampy to the doctors to see about his badly crummy leg. Nice and easy, take him there, take him to get his perscription. A 30 minute job.... or so she thought.
They got to the doctors on time, received useful advice on exercises for Grampy and a prescription for some potant medicine blended together in the misty darkness of eastern Asia.... "Tally ho" they said merrily as they hopped into our lovely car to drive to lovely Morissons to get a lovely helpful perscription....... The car wouldn't start. So they phoned us back at the ranch to find out Mum's AA card number which had been left at home along with Mum's purse...
*Ring ring, ring ring* "Hello Jonathan Retallick speaking... Oh, ok, yes wait, I'll just get it.... *puts phone on hold* David, Mum's had a breakdown"
At this point I'm thinking to myself "Well thank the Lord it happened at the Doctors, there're many a worse place to have the gibbering wotsits, I knew she was overworking herself!" But of course in reality I just said, "WHAT!?!?!?!" And invisiged our poor car belching out smoke and other noxious gases.
So we told her the number on her card and wished her well on her epic trek to get the "Big van with the flashing lights" to come and save her.
----------One hour and 40 minutes later-------------
I was starting to wonder what was going on having not heard from Mum since the problem started. "Oh well," I thought cheerily, "I'll just phone her to see whats happening"
I picked up the phone and dialed Mum's mobile number, I waited for two rings..... Behind me on the dining table Mum's mobile phone buzzed merrily..............
Mum was asked by the receptionist to tell off a man who had parked too close to her new car in the Doctors surgery. She was really miffed because she had to call a taxi in her lunch break and was worried her car could get dented or scratched...
While Mum was waiting for the stupid male parker to return the AA man came. He soon found the problem. Our badly designed fuel tank was running low on petrol (although not dangerously by any means) but because of the devilish slant on the car park it wasn't feeding through to the engine.
----------One quick tow later------------
Mum returned to the Surgery waiting room to apologise to the receptionist that she was going and the man who had parked his car so slobbily had still not returned. However just as she was leaving the car park he did come back, so she stopped and told him off. GO MUM :-)!!
So Mum and Grampy set off to Morrisons to get G's prescription order.
As Grampy was walking to the pharmacy through the store to drop his perscription off, a man fell from the ceiling, landed on the floor and held up an arm from which blood was squirting from a slit in his wrist. A somewhat alarmed (I imagine) Grampy, told him to wait there while he got Dr Evans who he had just seen in the store a moment ago. Having found said Dr, Grampy told him, "There's a man in the pharmacy who has slit his wrist" and slightly (I imagine) confused, Dr Evans replied "Thats a funny thing to do."!!!!!!
Grampy returned to the scene of the accident to find that the workman (so it turned out) was being nursed by the pharmacist who had made him put his arm above his head and was holding his arm tightly to cut the blood off.
To Grampy's astonishment he was told that Dr Evans wouldn't be alowed to do anything anyway because he was only a GP.......... Stupid law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As all this was going on Mum was phoning us to tell us that, "We only have to get Grampy's prescription done and then I'll drop him off and we'll be home soon, are you all alright? Ok good, Loves you. Bye."
Shocking bad form to not know about the drama that was being enacted a few yards from her very location! We were so bored we could have done with a little bit of excitement!
They phoned for an ambulance and Grampy found Mum (who was doing some shopping) and they returned to the car.
Mum got back here and when we'd finished huggling her she said,
"You'll never guess what happened..............."
But don't worry, I will not repeat the whole story as she told it ;)
My fingers are running out of stamina right now so I shall just tell you that:
1: My violin lesson went well
2: Band went well this evening, passed with much hilarity on behalf of overtired musicians who were ready to laugh at anything at this stage in the day.
3: I'm blummin' tired so why am I writing this :P
Just incase you are feeling inquisitive...
The man that fell from the "sky" was some kind of workman in one shape or form, and the square panel in the ceiling had fallen on his arm whilst he had his head in the hole and cut him. I guess he jumped down in a kind of reflex action to get away from the "danger".
VIDEO! Just a shortish one today :)
Karate in slow motion. It's fantastic how the body deals with shock and pain!
Well, I'm giving Alan his first swimming lesson tomorrow, so I'll need to be feeling "able". Twill be easier if Alan behaves himself *cough cough*!
Well, tattie bye!
your life is sooooo boring!!! ... you made me lol and rotflol all over the place - but only out of sympathy you understand (;>)
I know, it's sad really.
LOL, well, my one aim in life. So long as the people around me are all rolling on the floor with self wet troosies then I'm happy :P
Just read your saga to g'ma and she also lolled and rotfloled all over the place and put severe strain in the underwear department!
can't believe the doc wasn't allowed to do his doc-ting!. What has this country come to? It totally is beyond all comprehension!!!
Goes off muttering and gesticulating, twitching and drooling ........
!!!!! I'm so famous :P
Glad it tickled one's funny bone :D I hope the G tothe whatevercomesnext'ma will return for more epiSODic entrys in moi diary!
Gonna go swimming with Alan in about, 50 minutes, wooo! It's been ages since I've been submerged :)
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