Friday, 18 April 2008

Beatbox and Yeehaaa!


I'm feeling so much better today, can't express how much better. Still a bit abnormal (=Normal) but better none the less!

I'm continuing to tackle the epicness of beatboxing. It's hard, enjoyable and feels rewarding even though I've started so recently :) I can do basic beats and also hum a constant chord and beat a "bass drum/kick drum" sound and carry the hum on.
(Aunty shall be shown tomorrow :P)

I'm still hoping to bomb off to bangor on my "Blind date" as Grampy called it.... silly man :P. It seems though it might rain though ;'( Oh well, I shall cover my relatives house with spit from my beating lips -.-

Went to youth club tonight, had a great time, we all brought a game so we had lots of laughs with everyone's crazy contributions!!

Got some good work done I think, made a few drawings of various biology related things to put in my folder. Also wrote a story for English. It was about my relative who was a crewmember of a lifeboat. Grooovvaay

Video time, just a shortish video of a beatboxer on Austrailian Idol. He's pretty good, although there are people waaayyyy better than him. The echos that he does are with his mouth and not the mic, and he does deep vantriloquism voices mixed with the beat. Pretty groovy stuff with no secrets given away ;-)

Wicked cool yah'no! Boom-ba-cha-boomboom-tic B k t B B k t etc etc :D

God bless!

GooooooooOOOd NIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGHT!


CATachresis said...

That's very nice dear :D

Boom-ba-cha-boomboom-tic B k t B B k t etc etc

(goes off to warn g'ma so she can make appropriate adjustments to her hearing aid and attire!)

TheRealSuperAl said...

Wow! Voolfy! or should that be Vow! Woolfy?

Beatbox - eh!! is that one of those old wooden tea chests that you attach a broom handle & a bit of string to? "Oh, my old man's a dustman!" Boom! Cha? (Shut up you crazy fool - you're giving your age away)

Beatbox!? Oh, Beatbox!! Yessss! Percussion with the mouth. Go fot it. "Play that funky music, white boy!"

Great stuff, BTW. Much more positive. My depressions lifted already.

BTW2 - is it possible to Beatbox under water? Let's try it on Wednesday, shall we?

David said...

LOL! Big hairy lols

You got it right on the second try Alan ;)

Yeah, It is possible, although you sound like a semi-submerged hippo with gastric problems ^^

I hope G'ma is totally encased in a large soft blanket which has the phsyical properties of somthing wot stops sound waves in their tracks :P