*Sounds the charge* Tootle tootie toot, parp parp tran-taraaaaa! *Stops sounding the change*
Hello Gentleladies and Men!
I got stuck in with work this morning.... to be quite honest it was more like afternoon, but there we are :P I played very loud music from my computer and speakers instead of on my headphones. Hannah requested it so I frustrated her by playing all my old rock stuff, plus some new "genres" which she preferred. With in about... ooh, 30 seconds she was headbanging away with me and howling some crazy lyrics whilst 'quietly' writing some biology and geography vocaburglary.
In coffee break I had a little spin on my BMX in the skatepark. Really good to be out in the air getting some blood pumping. Did some nifty pogo's on my back wheel.
I had to ride and get Jonny because we'd lost him and he was late coming back to join us to go to band. I got slowed down by a car doing 14mph over road humps.... come on maaaan, reach 20 perleeassee!
Found Jonny after a bit of searching and I rode back with him riding peg style clinging to my back and telling me that 10mph was too fast with a passenger! Lol.
Got back there in time and somehow we reached the bandroom before rehersal started!
One headache and frustrated family later we were informed that, "Because you are all so noisy and talking all the time, playing when I tell you to stop 'n' all that, I've decided to cut the rehersal time for this band down by half an hour."
We were happy that we didn't have to sit through an hour and a half of hell anymore but frustrated at the fact that we were chucked in with about 3 or 4 trouble makers and chatterboxes who needed a good spanking or a poke up the wotsit with a baton.
Most of the band are fine, so we were all miffed. When asked why he had to lump everyone in Fred said... "Oh well you can't single people out, it's not fair" ...WHATS NOT FAIR IS THAT EVERYONE GETS LABLED!!!!!!!!!!!!
*End of rant*
Well yes anyways!
Alan came (upon our admittance) round bearing gifts of Mold, Frankenstien and Murk... Namely, Mayo and cookies! Well ok, only two things, but there was more than one cookie so HA!
Mum's just read us some Prince Caspian (as in the second book in the Chronicles of Narnia series) because the film is coming out sometime in May and we're going to see it. Such an epic book/series. The film will be a box-office-busting blockbuster.
So yesh, I suppose I could admit a little video ^^
Beatboxing (what a surprise) but this time it's comparing it to a real drum kit. It's an advert, and a good one :)
So you see, it can sound like a real kit! And DJ deck as well..... plus various other sounds such as trumpet, piczacato on a violin and acoustic guitar.
Well, hoping ya'll's having a good start-of-week.
Peace out.
LOL your posts are like the visual equivalent of beatboxing!! An cacophonous, but not necessarily unpleasant, assault on the eyes! Think this old lady just about got the drift
;>) X
Could you provide a translation to share your understanding with a gentleman of somewhat mature years. I'm still not sure I understand beatboxing. I'll have to give it a try - perhaps, while learning to swim. Ambi-something, that's me.
Vell Voolfy, keep up the good work. Glad you enjoyed the cookies. Hope you haven't eaten all the Mayo, yet.
If you treat me nice tomorrow - but only, if - I may bring some goodies of a sweet & sickly nature, on a future occasion.
Now! Go to bed!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol, hilarity. Yes Aunty, do explain to a young man of younger years what the hec you mean ;)
Al, I shall teach you the rudeaments of this interesting alternative music making device that God has given us :D
I think you misunderstood! When I said I got the drift, alas it was merely a glimpse, an inkling, a hint, a vapour, a transient nanosecond of perception!
I lied :>)
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